Image: Nevada, Super 8mm film transferred to 16mm (2010), directed by Charles Atlas, 1974. Dancer: Douglas Dunn.
Winter/Spring: DD begins study at Princeton Ballet Society with Audrée Estey, Lila Bruner (former dancer with New York City Ballet), Maggie Black (former dancer with Royal Ballet), Roland Guerard (former dancer with Ballet Russes). DD dances various roles at McCarter Theater, including Benno in Swan Lake
Summer: Attends Jacob’s Pillow as scholarship student; studies with Ted Shawn, Marie Adair, Margaret Crask, Gus Solomons jr., Goya & Matteo, La Meri, Pauline Koner; sees many ballet, modern and traditional companies.
Studies in NYC: Martha Graham School; Robert Joffrey Ballet with Hector Zaraspe & Françoise Martinet; Danilova; performs with Norwalk Ballet
Teaches Spanish at Gunnery School, Washington CT; dances off & on with Joseph Albano’s Albano Ballet in Hartford, CT
Studies at the Merce Cunningham Studio on 3rd Avenue; with Margaret Jenkins on Mulberry Street; with Richard Thomas (ballet) uptown. Performs under the direction of various choreographers: Jamie Cunningham; Tina Croll; Barbara Dilley; Bill Dunas; Cathy Posin
1969-73 - DD member of Merce Cunningham & Dance Company.
Dances made by MC while DD was in the company, 1969 through spring of 1973 (not chronological):
Second Hand
TV Rerun
Borst Park [DD not in this dance]
Changing Steps
[Loops, a solo for and by MC]
MC pieces danced by DD in addition to above:
Walkaround Time
Rainforest [once, in Paris]
How to Pass, Kick, Fall and Run
1968-70 - DD member of Yvonne Rainer & Group
1970-76 - DD founding member of Grand Union
June 19 - ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER: 70'. Collaboration with Sara Rudner. Performed at Laura Dean’s loft, 61 Crosby St., NYC
October 1,2 - DANCING HERE: 60'. Collaboration with Pat Catterson. Performed at The Merce Cunningham Studio, 55 Bethune St., New York City
On Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 10:38 PM Pat Catterson wrote:
Yes, we each did three solos and these bookend duets. There was an audience sitting 360 around us! Even Merce was there! My two strongest memories about the whole thing have nothing to do with the dancing. The week before the concert we needed to borrow Yvonne’s Wollensack tape recorder to use for our rehearsal. We went to her loft to pick it up and it took her a long time to answer the door. When she did, she only opened the door a crack and handed it to us, and she looked just terrible, like she had been crying for days. I remember saying to you as we left going down the steps, “I don’t think we should leave Yvonne alone. She looks terrible! “You replied “oh, don’t you trust Yvonne to ask for help if she needs it? “Two weeks later was the suicide attempt. I guess she didn’t know how to ask for help.
The other thing I remember is that there was a mixup with the advertisement for our concert. We advertised it on our flyer as starting at 8:30, Video Exchange that shared West Beth with Merce and was producing this series of concerts had advertised us starting at nine and some other place advertised our show starting at eight. So we were in the small studio warming up and people were arriving at all different times. It was a problem! At some point you said I’m going to go out there and start improvising and join me in about 15 minutes. It was your way of trying to entertain the people who got there so early. We hugged and off you went. You were trembling.
MAYONNAISE - PART I: 11'. Film with Charles Atlas.
March 30 - CO-INCIDENTS: 60'. Collaboration with David Gordon. Design: Charles Atlas, David Gordon, DD. Performed at The Merce Cunningham Studio, 55 Bethune St., New York City
May - EIGHT LANES, FOUR APPROACHES: 12'. Collaboration with Sara Rudner. Title: SR. Presented once or twice at the Minor Latham Theater, Barnard College, New York City
November(?)- PAS DU TWO: 50’. Collaboration with Sheela Raj. Performed at the American Center, rue du Dragon, one night only.
October 16 - NEVADA: 10'. DD solo. Choreoconcert Series, The New School, 66 West 12th St., NYC
October 27,28 - ORANGE MY DARLING LIME: 15'. DD solo. Performed on Young Choreographers' Sampler, Theater at Saint Clements, 423 W. 46th St., NYC
December 4,5 - TIME OUT: 60'. DD solo. Performed at Exchange Theater, 463 West St., New York City
January 31 - FOUR FOR NOTHING: 60'. Dancers: Douglas Dunn, Laleen Jayamanne, Epp Kotkas, David Woodberry. The Douglas Dunn Studio, 508 Broadway, New York City, two or three weekends
April 2 - May 18 & October 2-13– 101: Solo Performance Exhibit. A work of stillness. Costume: DD. Set: DD, with assistance in construction by David Woodberry. The Douglas Dunn Studio, 508 Broadway, New York City, 7 weeks, 4 hours/day. 9' Film of 101 by Amy Greenfield filmed during the exhibit.
October 19 - OCTOPUS: 10'. Dancers: Douglas Dunn, Epp Kotkas, Sara Rudner, Howard Vichinsky, David Woodberry. Costumes: DD. Text & tape: DD. Choreoconcert Series, The New School, 66 West 12th St., NYC
February - Part I Part II: 32’. Collaboration with David Woodberry. Performed at the Douglas Dunn Studio, 508 Broadway, New York City, weekends.
May 6-8 – GESTURES IN RED: Premier. 60’. DD solo. Costume: DD. Danced in silence. The Cunningham Studio, 55 Bethune St., NYC
May 30 & 31 – GESTURES IN RED: Presented by and at MoMing, Chicago, IL, May 30 & 31, 1975, live music by Barry Foy, lighting by Jim Self.
June 1 – GESTURES IN RED: At the invitation of Nigel Redden, Walker Art Center, at Minnesota Dance Theater, 107 4th St. SE, Minneapolis, MN, live music by Steve Kimmel.
****June (date; musician) – GESTURES IN RED: At the invitation of Barbara Dilley, Naropa Institute, The Church Studio, Boulder, CO. Live Jazz piano.
July 19 ,20 - GESTURES IN RED:. At the invitation f Margaret Jenkins, The Margaret Jenkins Studio, Bryant St. Live electronic music by Paul De Marinis.
November 14-16 – GESTURES IN RED : Merce Cunningham Studio
?GESTURES IN RED :Vehicule Art Inc., Montreal, November 6,19??
April 16 -17 – LAZY MADGE: Premier. 70'. (Ongoing Choreographic Project, through 1977.) Dancers: Ruth Alpert, Michael Bloom, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, Christina Grasso-Caprioli, Jennifer Mascall, Daniel Press, Dana Roth, Ellen Webb at the Lucinda Childs Studio, 541 Broadway, NYC.
April 18 - LAZY MADGE: 70'. (Ongoing Choreographic Project, through 1977.) Dancers: Ruth Alpert, Michael Bloom, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, Christina Grasso-Caprioli, Jennifer Mascall, Daniel Press, Dana Roth, Ellen Webb at the Merce Cunningham Studio, 55 Bethune Street, NYC.
April 26, 27 – DD teaching at Cornell University
April 29 - Grand Union show in Santa Barbara, Contact: Peg Armstrong
May 4 - Grand Union show at Royce Hall in Los Angeles. Editha Dunn attends.
May 8,9 - At the invitation of Juliet Crump, Grand Union shows in Missoula, MT.
**** (?) June 1 – Grand Union Performs at Campbell Hall and LAZY MADGE at Danspace Project/St. Mark’s Church
**** (dates) June 18…. – LAZY MADGE: 70'. (Ongoing Choreographic Project, through 1977.) Dancers: Ruth Alpert, Michael Bloom, Susan Dunn, Douglas Dunn, Meg Eginton, Diane Frank, Christina Grasso-Caprioli, Jennifer Mascall, Daniel Press, Dana Roth, Ellen Webb, David Woodberry. The Lucinda Childs Studio, 541 Broadway, NYC
June 25 – DD flies to Denver
July 2 – DD flies to Reno
July 14 – DD flies to Burbank, CA
July 18 – DD flies to Denver
July 19 – DD flies to NY
July 29 – LAZY MADGE: At the invitation of Great Levart. Manhattanville College.
July 31 – DD flies NY to South Bend, Indiana to visit Ethan
August 3 – DD Flies South Bend to Denver to join Annabel. Visits Anne in Boulder
August 8 – DD & Annabel fly Denver to Reno
August 17 – DD flies Sacramento to San Jose
August 21 – DD & Annabel fly San Francisco to NY
October 23 - EARLY & LATE: 60'. DD solo. Assistance in preparation: Annabel Levitt. Performed at the Styrian Autumn Festival, Graz, Austria. (Was supposed to show Gestures in Red, but theater was inadequate. In two days made new show.)
November 4 – GESTURES IN RED: Musee de Peinture et Sculpture, Grenoble
November 12-13(?) – GESTURES IN RED: Centre Culturel du Marais, Paris, France
January 26 – LAZY MADGE: Clarkson College, sponsored by SUNY Pottsdam
January 28 – LAZY MADGE: SUNY Albany – (did it happen?)
March 10 – DD master class, workshop, lecture-dem at SUNY New Paltz
March 11 – DD master class & workshop
March 12 - LAZY MADGE: McKenna Theater, New Paltz, NY. Open rehearsal & performance
March 17-28 – LAZY MADGE: At the invitation of Nigel Redden. Residency under auspices of the Walker Arts Center, Minneapolis
March 18 – Lecture Dem at North High School
March 19-20 - Performance at the Fire House
March 20 – DD workshop
March 22 – Performed at I.D.S Center. Showing of MAYONAISE: PART 1: (1972) by Charles Atlas and 101: (1974-77) by Amy Greenfield
March 23-25 - DD workshop
March 26-27 - Performances
March 29 – LAZY MADGE: The University Gymnasium of Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY
April 30 – LAZY MADGE: At the invitation of David & JoAnn Weinrib. Intermedia Foundation.
**** (is this correct)May 3 – DD solo improvisation at The Diplomat Hotel Grand Ballroom as part of benefit for Artservices
June 28 – American Dance Festival, Performance Palmer Auditorium, Douglas Dunn & Dancers
July 31 - CELESTE: 75'. Occasional Dance. Commission: Charles Reinhart, The American Dance Festival. Company Dancers: Ruth Alpert, Michael Bloom, Douglas Dunn, Meg Eginton, Diane Frank, Daniel Press, Jennifer Mascall, Ellen Webb, David Woodberry. Workshop Dancers: Bob Alexander, Richard Alston, Ron Argelander, Mary Benson, Cara Brownell, M'Lou Caring, Yoshiko Chuma, Christopher Crawford, Ina Delcourt, Charles Dennis, Susan Emery, Randi Fain, Carter Frank, Barbara Freedgood, Amy Gale, Janice Geller, Irene Grainger, Renni Greenberg, Susan Kampe, Peggy Kay, Pooh Kaye, Ulla Kovisto, Charles Moulton, Dean Nichols, Mary O'Connell, Liz Pasquale, Bertrand Raison, Kathy Ray, Marta Renzi, Xavier Schinnel, Mary Schultz, Elizabeth Schwarts, Monica Solem, Peggy Spina, Tom Treadwell, Shelley Valfer, Sandy Walker, Irene Weber, Cathy Zimmerman. Design: Tal Streeter. Lighting: Annabel Levitt. Performed on the Great Lawn, and in Palmer Auditorium, at Connecticut College
August 3-7 – LAZY MADGE: The Rotunda of the Custom House (now the Native American Museum), Lower Manhattan
August 10 – DD NY to Arcata, CA
August 13 – DD Arcata to Palo Alto
September 23 - DD Palo Alto to San Francisco
September 28 – SOLO FILM & DANCE: Premier. 50’. DD solo that includes showing of films Mayonnaise Part I & 101. The Oberlin Dance Collective, San Francisco, CA
October 3 - SOLO FILM & DANCE: University of California at Santa Cruz.
October 7 – SOLO FILM & DANCE: Lucille Nixon School in honor of Editha Dunn, she & her friends attend
October 12 – SOLO FILM & DANCE: I.D.E.A. Space, West Los Angeles
October 13 – DD teaches workshop, University of California Long Beach
October 14 – SOLO FILM & DANCE: University of California, Long Beach
October 17 – DD workshop
October 18 – DD performs GESTURES IN RED : The Portland Center for the Visual Arts, Portland, OR. Contact: Donna Milrany
October 19 – DD flies to Missoula, Montana
October 20 – DD workshop University of Montana, Missoula. Contact: Juliette Crump
October 21 – Gallery performance
October 22 – flies Missoula to Minneapolis, performs GESTURES IN RED
October 23 – DD flies to NY
October 24 – DD flies to Switzerland
October 26 – DD workshop in Geneva, Switzerland
October 27& 28 – DD performs SOLO FILM & DANCE at Salle Simon I. Patino, sponsored by Adelina von Furstenberg
October 30 – DD performs SOLO FILM & DANCE in Bern, Switzerland at Tanz-Und Theaterstudio, sponsored by Alain Bernard
November 26-December 17 – DD at Repertory Dance Theater in Salt Lake City, Utah
January 1 – SOLO FILM & DANCE: at 541 Broadway, 4th floor, Lucinda Childs loft
April 20 & 23 - RILLE: 87'. Occasional Dance. Dancers: Graham Conley, Christopher Crawford, Kyle de Camp, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, Marta Renzi, Deborah Riley. Set & Costumes: DD. Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. Performed in the Opera House of the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY
May 1-13 – DD in Portland, Maine for residency and made a piece
May 15-17 – DD workshop
June 30 - DD in Utah
October 9&10 - LAZY MADGE II: 31'. Shortened version of the original, with fewer choices for the dancers. Company Dancers: Graham Conley, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, Deborah Riley, Steve Spencer. Costumes: DD. Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. Premier: Zellerbach Playhouse, Berkeley, CA
RILLE : 24'. Shortened version of the original. Company Dancers: Graham Conley, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, Deborah Riley, Steve Spencer. Music: David Behrman, Figure in a Clearing. Costumes: DD. Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. Premier: Zellerbach Playhouse, Berkeley, CA
COQUINA: 21'. Company Dancers: Graham Conley, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, Deborah Riley, Steve Spencer. Music: Robert Ashley. Costumes: Charles Atlas. Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. Premier: Zellerbach Playhouse, Berkeley, CA
October 12-14 – DD & D perform at University of California at Santa Cruz
October 21-22 – DD and company performs at UCLA Schoenberg Hall
November 7 & 10 – GESTURES IN RED: The Dance Umbrella, at Riverside Studios, Hammersmith, London
November 8 or 9(?) - GESTURES IN RED - Bristol, England
November 9 - SOLO DANCE FILM, Arnolfini was presenter, Bristol, England
November 16 – Performed in Rotterdam
November 20-25 – DD at Le Palace Theatre in the Festival d’Automne
Nov 20&21 – Perfomed Lazy Madge and Coquina
Nov 22-24 – Performed Rille and Coquina
November 24 – DD gave Lecture demo in Paris at the American Center
Nov 25 – Lazy Madge & Coquina
November 29 – LAZY MADGE, RILLE, COQUINA at Maison de la Culture de Rennes, France
December 14-23 – DD worked at Portland Dance Theater under the auspices of Jann McCauley;
January – DD teaches workshop at 508 Broadway
February 21-24 – Douglas Dunn & Dancers performs LAZY MADGE, RILLE, & COQUINA at Entermedia Theater, 189 2nd Ave, NYC
March 28 – DD flies NY to Toronto
March 29 – GESTURES IN RED: Presented by The Art Gallery of Ontario, & the International Communications Agency, Embassy of the USA, at the Walker Court, Art Gallery of Ontario, Grange Park, Toronto, Canada
March 20 – DD to Ottowa
March 31 – GESTURES IN RED: Presented by Le Groupe de la Place Royale, & the International Communications Agency, Embassy of the USA, at Studio 1, 130, rue Sparks, Hardy Arcade, Ottowa. Contact: Anne Valois
April 4–May 18 – DD teaches at 537 Broadway
April 1 – GESTURES IN RED: Pavillion Mont-Royal, Montreal, Presented by the Musee des Beaux Arts, & the International Communications Agency, Embassy of the USA, at the University of Montreal, 265 W. Ave., Mont-Royal
May 21 - DD flies to Berlin
May 24-25 DD workshop
May 26-28 - FOOT RULES: 60'. Dancers: Deborah Riley, Douglas Dunn. Music: John Driscoll, Elbers & Mole, played live. Costumes: Mimi Gross. Performed at the Akademie der Kunste, Berlin. Contact: Nele Hertling
May 29 – DD flies to Nancy, France
June 5-7 – DD looks at piece in Nancy
June 11-30 –DD teaches in NY
July 6 & 7 - ECHO: 20'. Occasional Solo for DD. Music: John Driscoll, Listening Out Loud, (including the saw)played live. Costume: Charles Atlas. Performed at Summergarden, Museum of Modern Art, New York City
July 30–August 18 – Teaching at the Margaret Jenkins Dance Studio, 1590 15th St; San Francisco, CA
September 8-10 – DD in Toronto
September 10 – FOOT RULES in Burton Auditorium, at York University with Deborah Riley and John Driscoll doing live music
September 20-23 & 27-30 – FOOT RULES: American Theater Laboratory, DTW 219 West. 19th St., New York City
October 8 – DD & Deborah fly to Toronto. Contact: Yves Consineau
October 10 – FOOT RULES: Burton Auditorium, York University, Toronto
October 11 – DD & Deborah fly Toronto to NY
October 12-13 – RELIEF: 25'. Repertory Dance Theatre at Capitol Theater, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. Dancers: Michael Kelly Bruce, Robin Chmelar, Ford Evans, Joel Kirby (Oct. 12), Michele Massoney, Rachel Nelson, Thom Scalise, Linda C. Smith, , Steve Spencer (Oct.13). Rehearsal Directors: Michael Kelly Bruce, Robin Chmelar. Costumes: Marina Harris. Music: John Driscoll, Bottom Coasting. Lighting: M. Kay Barrell.
October 16 – DD teaches at Columbia University/Continuing Education, NY
December 17-January 13 – DD Nancy, France?
MAKING DANCES: a film by Michael Blackwood (1979) 90 Minutes, 16mm film, Color. Douglas Dunn, Sara Rudner, David Gordon, Trisha Brown, Lucinda Childs.
January 1 – DD in Nancy, France
February 27 - SUITE DE SUITE : 30'. Commission: Jean-Albert Cartier, Ballet Theatre Francais de Nancy. Dancers: Noriko Kubota, Edith Muller, Catherine Zerara, Noriko Aoyama, Francoise Dubuc, Helene Kuzminsky, Yannick Blanchard, Jean Vinclair, Hacene Bahiri, Didier Chazeau, Edouard Kan, Philippe Mulh. Music: Eliane Radigue, from Triptych. Decor: Christian Jaccard. Lighting: Sylvain Ghiloni. Premier: Grand Theatre de Nancy, France
February 29 - RELIEF: 25'. At the invitation of Linda Smith, director of Repertory Dance Theater of Salt Lake City, UT, Dunn prepares the new piece with the company dancers in October of 1979 in SLC; the premiere takes place in Memorial Auditorium, Stanford, CA, as part of The Lively Arts at Stanford programming; Dancers: Michael Kelly Bruce, Robin Chmelar, Kay Clark, Ford Evans, Michele Massoney, Rachel Nelson, Thom Scalise, Steve Spencer; Rehearsal Directors: Michael Kelly Bruce, Robin Chmelar; Costumes: Marina Harris; Music: John Driscoll, Bottom Coasting; Lighting: M. Kay Barrell.
April 2 – SUITE DE SUITE Performed, Municipal Theatre d’Orleans
April 22 – SUITE DE SUITE by the Ballet Theatre de Français de Nancy in Orleans
April 22-27 - ECHO: 60'. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Guests: Alice Kaltman, Steve Spencer, Megan Walker. Music: John Driscoll, Clay Banks (1980), played live with Linda Fisher. Costumes: Charles Atlas. Set: Mimi Gross, No Curtain (Yellow). Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. Performed at The Kitchen, 484 Broome St., New York City
June 16-27 – DD in Teaching Residency at University of Montana, Missoula
July 26- August 3 – DD at York University, Toronto, Canada teaching residency, some work on Pulcinella, Sento Dire, e.g.
September 1 – DD to Paris to begin making PULCINELLA
October 24 - DD moves to Confluence off Place de Clichy
November 2 - DD returns to Jacques Garnier’s
November 11- DD return to Confluence
November 16- Editha & Susan arrive
November 19 – Premier, PULCINELLA: 40'. Co-commission, instigated by Michel Guy of the Autumn Festival, & the Paris Opera Ballet, as part of an homage to Igor Stravinsky. Dancers: Wilfride Piollet, Jean Guizerix; Catherine Biry, Fabienne Compet, Laurence Debia, Catherine Goffinon, Christine Landault; Bruno Cauhape, Laurent Hilaire, Thierry Mongne, Frederic Olivieri, Laurent Queval, Wilfrid Romoli. Singers: Magali Damonte, Christian Jean, Andre Cognet. Costumes: Norbert Schmucki after an idea by DD. Lighting: John Davis. Theatre des Champs Elysees.
November 20 - Editha, Susan & DD go driving in Loire valley
December 3 – Bowdoin College: DD teaches class, workshop & improvises to entire Pulcinella score in Daggett Lounge in Wentworth Hall.
January 5-12 – DD teaches workshop, Washington DC
Jan 10 – Lecture demonstration at George Washington University Dance Department by DD and John Driscoll
January 12 - FOOT RULES: Smithsonian's American Dance Experience Series, Marvin Theater, Washington, DC.
JANUARY 14 & 15 – DD in residency with the Arts Series Program run by James Carroll, Knutztown State College in Knutztown PA;had individual conferences with students and then performed a solo an improvisation
February 3-5 – Residency in Rochester NY, whole company
Feb 13- DD leaves for Paris
Feb 16-March 18 – DD in Paris creating CYCLES
March 31 - CYCLES: 27'. Commission: Jacques Garnier, Director, Groupe de Recherche Choregraphique de l'Opera de Paris. Dancers: Bertrand Barena, Jean-Claude Ciappara, Florence Claudet, Renaud Fauviau, Katia Grey, Jean-Christophe Pare, Fabienne Ozanne, Anne Prevost, Jean-Hugues Tanto, Guy Vareilhes, Martine Vuillermoz. Music: Steve Lacy, The Four Edges, played live by Steve Lacy & his Group. Costumes: DD. Premier: Soissons, France
Day of Last rehearsal DD injures his back and stays at Confluence for several weeks recovering.
April 6 – Performance at the American Center in Paris, just DD
April 27- DD returns home after injury and performances
June 14 – Benefit for the Kitchen at Bond’s Casino
June 20 & 21 - WALKING BACK: 72'. Occasional Dance. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Costumes: DD. Music: John Driscoll, Fishs Eddy, (1981), played live. Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. Performed at The Dance Center at the Y, 344 East 14th Street, New York City. 3 shows, June 20 at 8:30 and June 21 at 3om and 8:30pm
July 13 - 31 – Residency at Harvard University: Two classes daily, also taught classes at the Joy of Movement Center, Central Square. July 22, Lecture demonstration at Boylston Hall. July 24 & 25 - HOLDS: Occasional Dance. 60’. Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, Deborah Riley. Costumes: DD. Music: John Driscoll, playing live. Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. At Sanders Theater, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
August 1-3 – Workshop. Performance on the open space on the 4th, 5th in small theater
August 1-6 - CHATEAUVALLONESQUE: 60'. Occasional Dance. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Costumes: DD. Music: John Driscoll, playing live. Performed on the outdoor stage of the Chateauvallon Festival, near Toulon, southern France
September 18-22 – HOLDS: Eventidanza ’81; Teatro Affratellamento, Florence, Italy
September 25-28 – HOLDS: Eventidanza ’81; Teatro di Porta Romana, Milan, Italy
October 4 – DD to Minneapolis MN
October 5 – At the Children’s Theater under the auspices of the New Dance USA Festival/Walker Arts Center, Douglas Dunn & Dancers perform SKID, In Minneapolis MN. Shared program with Dana Reitz and Karole Armitage/Rhys Chatham.
October 7 – Company traveled to San Antonio Texas: Diane Frank, Deborah Riley, Susan Blankenstop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, John McLaughlin, Patrick O’Rourke, John Driscoll
October 8 & 9 - Masterclass
October 10 – Performed HOLDS Carver Community Cultural Center
October 11 - returned
October 28 – travel to Paris
November 1, 2,4-8 - VIEW: 50'. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Costumes: Charles Atlas. Music: John Driscoll, Lums Pond, played live, with rotating loudspeakers on stage. Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. Premier: Festival d'Automne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
HITCH: 26'. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Costumes: Charles Atlas. Music: Linda Fisher, Median Strip II, played live. Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. Premier: Festival d'Automne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
SKID: 26'. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Costumes: Mimi Gross. Music: John Driscoll, Fishs Eddy, played live. Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. Premier: Festival d'Automne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
November 3 – workshop at the American Center 261, boulevard Raspail
Nov 11 – Travel day, to Holland
Nov 12 – Performance in Haarlem
Nov 13 – Performance in Theater Zuidplein, Rotterdam
Nov 14 – Performance in Cultuurcentrum d’Oosterpoort, Groningen
Nov 15 – Travel to Bordeaux, France
November 16-18 - Performance at Theatre Femina, Bordeaux
November 20 – Performance at Masion de La Culture, La Rochelle, *Performance Cancelled due to union black-out
November 21 – Theatre Municipal beaurepaire, Angers, France
November 16 - TERRI'S DANCE: 8'. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Performed at the Theatre Femina, 10, rue de Grassi, Bordeaux, France, without John McLaughlin, who was injured, and with Special Guest Therese Barbanel, who read something about a fox. John Driscoll played live saw.
November 22 - Day off in Angers
November 23 – Travel day
November 24 – Day off in Le Havre
November 25 – Performance in Masion de La Culture/Theater de L’Hotel de Ville, in Le Havre
November 27 – Perform at Le Centre d’ Action Culturelle Pablo Meruda in Corbeil, France
November 28 – Perform at the Masion pour Tous de Saint Quentin en Yvelines; St.Quentin, France
November 30 – Perform at the Theatre de Caen, France
December 24 – DD flies NY to Arcata, CA
January 3 – DD flies San Francisco to NY
March 18- DD to St. Louis, MO
March 19 – Full performance of VIEW and HITCH at Edison Theater, St Louis, MO. Contact: Hazel Forster
March 20 – Full performance of VIEW and SKID
March 21 – returned to NY
May 20-29 - GAME TREE: 60'. Commission: Cynthia Hedstrom, The Danspace Project. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Music: Linda Fisher, Aurora (1992), played live. Costumes: DD. Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. Premier: Danspace, St. Mark's Church, 10th St. & 2nd Ave., New York City
Tues - Sun, May 25 - 30, 2 - 7 pm - 3 STATIC VISUALS, which includes PERFORMANCE EXHIBIT #2; as DD moves to 541 Broadway, he uses the temporarily empty space of his previous studio at 508 Broadway to present a second work of live stillness, the first being 101 of 1974; he builds an oversized "bed" of raw blond wood supported on stilts, one end higher than the other; the tilted platform has eighteen-inch-high sides all around; the "bed" is filled fully with white gauzy material; the structure is placed on the diagonal, northeast to southwest; two performers, Rhonda Moore and Brian Moran, she black, he white, lie side by side supine, heads on the upside of the incline, not touching, naked, half hidden by the gauzy material that puffs up around them; viewers enter the gallery-like situation on their own time, stay as long as they wish; the rest of the loft is empty save for a few visuals on the walls near the entrance; the "bed" is all the way at the other, west end of the loft, near the windows overlooking Broadway; afternoon sunlight falls directly onto the "bed."
December 17, “Making Dances: Post-Modern Choreographers” video exhibition at I.C.A in Boston. Exhibition titled: Art & Dance: Images from the Modern Dialogue, 1980-1980. November 9,1982-January 8, 1983 at The Institute of Contemporary Art, 955 Boylston St., Boston, MA.
January 15-17 - SECOND MESA: 180'. Commission: Elisabeth Sussman, The Institute of Contemporary Art. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, Deborah Riley. Guest: Kenneth DeLap. Decor: Jeffrey Schiff. Costumes: DD. Music: John Driscoll, with Richard Lerman, playing live. Performed at The Institute of Contemporary Art, 955 Boylston St., Boston, MA.
January 21-23, 25-30 - SECRET OF THE WATERFALL: 40'. Live show based on video-dance of same name. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Text written and performed by Reed Bye & Anne Waldman. Set: Mimi Gross. Costumes: Charles Atlas. Presented at the Douglas Dunn Studio, 541 Broadway, New York City, two shows each day.
March 11-19 – Ethan visits from Asheville, NC
April 3 - SECRET OF THE WATERFALL: 29'. Video-dance. Commission: Susan Dowling, New Television Workshop, WGBH, Boston. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Text written & performed by Reed Bye & Anne Waldman. Costumes, Direction & Editing: Charles Atlas. Shot on Martha's Vineyard, September, 1982. First shown at The Kitchen, 484 Broome St., New York City
April – Warner Main Space Theater, whole company did one performance, also Lecture Dem in Ohio University/Baker Center, Athens OH with Performance Memorial Auditorium Ohio University
May tour – Two shows at the Centre Culturel Lemaillon, Strasbourg France
Teater Am Turm, Frankfurt West Germany two shows
Akademie der Kunste Berlin West Germany three shows
American Center in Paris three shows
Rencontres Nationales de la Danse in Evry, France/ one show
July 12 – DD teaches workshop in Aix en Provence. Teaching. Then joined by Grazia and Ethan, by train to Barcelona and Valencia.
July 29-August 1 – Hotel Sidi Saler Sol Valencia, Spain
October 5-10 – DD in Washington, DC teaching
October 9 & 10 – GAME TREE Performance in Washington DC
December 15- Showing of PULCINELLA in progress at 541 West Broadway
February 29- VIEW, HITCH, SKID at University of Maryland, Baltimore County one show
March 30 – DD flies to Pont-a-Mousson (arts center, a former monastery) meets Jerzy Bircinsky for workshop with company memebers: John McLaughlin, Susan Blanksop, Grazia Della-Terza, Debra Riley, Diane Frank.
March 30 - SECRET OF THE WATERFALL at University of Maryland, Baltimore County one show. UMBC. A lecture and demonstration.
April 15- Performed HITCH and a piece created during workshop in collaboration with Jerzy Bircinsky at Pount-a-Mousson
April 15 – Nimes, France
April 16 : ELBOW ROOM :24'. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Guest: David Kulick. Costumes: Mimi Gross. Music: Linda Fisher, Speechless, played live. Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. Premier: Theatre Municipal de Nimes, Place de la Calade, Nimes, France
May 12 - NAROPA EAST : 8'. Occasional Dance. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Performed at Naropa East Benefit, New York City
May 23 - PULCINELLA : 40'. Resetting on DD&D of 1980 original. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughlin, Deborah Riley. Special Guest: Karole Armitage. Guests: Adelia de Almeida, William Douglas, Mitch Kirsch, David Kulick, Jon C. Mensinger, Kate Nesbitt, Andrea Smith, John Stowe, Bill Young. Design: Mimi Gross. Music: Igor Stravinsky, Pulcinella. Lighting: Patrick O'Rourke. Premier of DD&D mounting (original on Paris Opera Ballet in 1980). The Joyce Theater, 175 Eighth Avenue, New York City
May - COQUINA The Joyce Theater, 175 Eighth Avenue, New York City
May - VIEW HITCH SKID The Joyce Theater, 175 Eighth Avenue, New York City
June 4 – DD flies NY to San Francisco
June 5 – DD visits David Ireland
June 6,7,8,& 9 GAME TREE: New Performance Gallery, 3153 17th Street, San Francisco, CA. Performance at 8:30 pm. Co-presented with Going Places/New Performance Gallery/CAL Performances. Choreography: Douglas Dunn Music: “Aurora” by Linda Fisher Lighting: Patrick O’Rourke Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, John McLaughin, Deborah Riley.
June 7 – Reception for Editha Dunn at 10pm held at New Performance Gallery.
June 25 – DD flies to NY
August 18 – DD flies to Paris
August 18-26 – DD rehearsing FUTURITIES with Elsa Wolliaston for Steve Lacy’s FUTURITIES
September 16 – DD flies to Minneapolis, making piece for New Dance Ensemble?
October 7 – DD flies Minneapolis to NY
October- VIEW, HITCH, and SKID Hampshire Auditorium, University of Iowa
October 13, 19, 21, 25, 27- 1ST ROTATION: 23'. Co-commission: Linda Shapiro & Leigh Dillard, New Dance Ensemble; Robert Sterns, Walker Art Center. Made on and performed by dancers of New Dance Ensemble: Diane Aldis, Susan Chilcote, Madeline Dean, Leigh Dillard, Kelly McDonald, Wil Swanson, Jonathan Urla. Music: Steve Kramer, What Happens to Circles, lyrics by Cathy Young. Costumes: Beth Sidla. Premier: Jewish Community Center, Minneapolis, MN.
November 9-10 - CYCLES: Maison de la Culture de Nevers et de la Nievre; Groupe de Recherche Choregraphique de l’Opera de Paris. Cycles Choregraphie: Douglas Dunn Original Music: Steve Lacy (Four edges) Interpreted at Nevers by Steve Lacey Quintet, Steve Lacey and Steve Potts (sax) Olivier Johnson (percussion) Jean-Jacques Avenel (contrabass) and Irene Aebi (voice and strings) Lighting: Claude Tissier; Ballet was created in April 1981 at Theatre de la ville a Paris with dancers: Fabienne Compet, Jean-Christophe Pare, Katia Grey, Anne Pruvost, Jean-Claude Ciappara, Martine Clary, Fabienne Ozanne, REnaud Fauviau, Jean-Hugues Tanto, Loic Touze, Florence Lambert, Andre Lafonta.
November 14-18 - FUTURITIES: 90'. Two performances. Conceived by Steve Lacy and Elsa Wolliaston. Music: Steve Lacy, played live by his group, with voice by Irene Aebi. Decor: Kenneth Noland. Text: Robert Creeley. Lighting: John Davis. Choreographed and performed by Elsa Wolliaston and DD. Co-production of the Festival de Lille and the Opera du Nord. Premier: Grand Theatre, Lille, France
November 28 – DD flies to Paris
December 6-8 - 2ND ROTATION, PULCINELLA: 27'. Company dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Diane Frank, Deborah Riley, Bill Young. Guest dancers: William Douglas, Mitch Kirsch, Michael La Salata, Andrea Smith, John hStowe. Music: Linda Fisher. Lighting: Kevin Dreyer. Performed in La Grande Salle de la Maison de la Culture, Grenoble, France
December - FUTURITIES in Niort. Two Performances.
2ND ROTATION and PULCINELLA in Dijon, France, one show
FUTURITIES in Avignon and Tarbes one show each
March 23 - 3RD ROTATION: 25'. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Paul Engler, Diane Frank, Deborah Riley, Bill Young. Music: Linda Fisher playing live. Costumes: David Hannah. Lighting: Mitchell Bogard. Premier: The Dance Center at the Y, 344 East 14th St., New York City
March 23 - JIG JAG: 21'. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Paul Engler, Diane Frank, Deborah Riley, Bill Young. Music: Ron Kuivila. Costumes: David Hannah. Lighting: Mitchell Bogard. Premier: The Dance Center at the Y, 344 East 14th St., New York City
March 23 – ELBOW ROOM Premier: The Dance Center at the Y, 344 East 14th St., New York City
Spring ? - PACIFIC SHORES: 29'. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Paul Engler, Diane Frank, Deborah Riley, Bill Young. Costumes: Charles Atlas. Premier: Geneva, Switzerland
September 13-14 – 3RD ROTATION, ELBOW ROOM, AND JIG JAG at Wesleyan University Middletown, CT.
November 1 - DD leads, assisted by Grazia Della-Terza & Lissy Trachtenberg, a workshop at 541 DD&D Studio: called “Confusion”; a group of students fro SUNY; DD had placed shoe boxes full of strips of paper, on each an instruction, around the edges of the studio; we wait ten minutes of more giving no instruction; finally a student goes to one of the boxes; others follow; they begin to enact the instructions
November 15 - LIFT: 21'. Occasional Dance commissioned by Alice Kaltman. Dancers: Alice Kaltman, Lissy Trachtenberg, Douglas Dunn. Performed at the La Jolla Art Museum, La Jolla, CA
December – Grazia and DD dance the PULCINELLA duet in the cafeteria of the Cambridge School (Grazia’s High School) Weston, MA
December – Studio Performance at 541 West Broadway, Company Members: Grazia Della-Terza, Brenda Daniels, Douglas Dunn, and Bill Young
March 10-29 – Rehearsals at 541 Broadway
March 28 – DD goes to Paris
April 2-6 – FUTURITIES with Steve Lacy. Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, Germany.
April 11 & 12 – Company rehearses without Douglas
April 13 – Company flies to Geneva, Switzerland
April 16-17 – Perform at Vernier, Geneva
April 18 – Performed at Sion, Switzerland April 19- 24 – Company on break
April 25- 27 – Company in Martigues, France
May 2-5 – Company in Berlin
May 8 – Valladolid, Spain
May 9 – New York
May 12- June 7 – rehearsals at 541 Broadway
June 11-15 - DANCES FOR MEN, WOMEN, AND MOVING DOOR : 117'. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Paul Engler, Diane Frank, Deborah Riley, Bill Young. Guests: Michael La Salata, Lissy Trachtenberg. Music: Alvin Lucier. Set & Costumes: David Ireland. Lighting: Jeffrey McRoberts. Premier: Marymount Manhattan College, New York, NY
July 20 - DANCE FOR THE HOUSE DD and Grazia dance for David Ireland throughout his house at 500 Capp Street San Francisco, CA in celebration of the house’s 100th anniversary: 1886-1986, at 11 o’clock in the morning, Sunday July 20, 1986. Reception Following.
June 17-25 – Company residency at Dance Place in Washington D.C.
September- Perform at Central Park Summerstage New York City
September 29-October 5 DANCES FOR MEN, WOMEN, AND MOVING DOOR at the Pompidou Center, Paris, France 6 shows and 1 show at Maison du la Culture in Mulhouse
October 7- DANCES FOR MEN, WOMEN, AND MOVING DOOR Rallye Drouot, Mulhouse France at 8:30 pm. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Paul Engler, Diane Frank, Deborah Riley, Bill Young. Guests: Michael La Salata, Lissy Trachtenberg. Music: Alvin Lucier. Set & Costumes: David Ireland. Lighting: Jeffrey McRoberts.
Maison du la Culture in Genvilliers, France, 3 shows,
Bloomsbury Theatre, London, England, 2 shows
Royal N, College, Manchester, England, 2 shows
Swan Theatre, Stratford on Avon, England, 1 show
Theatre Clwyd, Mold, Wales, 1 show
Bluecoat Theatre, Liverpool, England, 1 show
Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol, England, 2 shows
St. Paul’s Hall, Huddersfield, England, 2 shows
City Theatre, Ghent, Belgium, 1 show
December 20-22 – DD teaches workshop at 541 Broadway
February 3-7 – DD on NEA Dance/Film/Video panel
April 9-12 – DD in Washington DC. Company performs LIGHT, O TEASE
April 14-19 & 21-26 - LIGHT, O TEASE: 73'. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Paul Engler, Deborah Riley, Bill Young. Costumes: DD with Jane Townsend and Pier Voulkos. Music: Henry Cowell, from Prelude for Violin & Harpsichord; Something in the Way She Moves, sung by Willie Nelson; Mi par d'udir ancora, sung by John McCormack; from Voodoo Trance Music, Ritual Drums of Haiti; Venetian Song, sung by John McCormack; Harold Budd, from Abandoned Cities; Johann Sebastian Bach, Minuet in C, transcribed for guitar and played by Andres Segovia; It Don't Mean a Thing If You Ain't Got That Swing, performed by Ella Fitzgerald & Duke Ellington; Johann Sebastian Bach, from Chaconne, transcribed for guitar and played by Andres Segovia. Performed at the Douglas Dunn Studio, 541 Broadway, New York City
June 12-14 – OPERIA: 15'. Commission: Bill Young. Dancers: Meg Eginton & Bill Young. Costumes: DD. Music: Giuseppe Verdi, from Rigoletto; Richard Wagner, from Gotterdammerung; Edgar Varese, from Integrales; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, from Divertimento in F, KV 138. Presented at Hundred Grand, 100 Grand Street, New York City
June 27 - THE PERFECT SUMMER DRESS: 66'. Occasional Dance. Collaboration with poet Anne Waldman. Performers: Anne Waldman & DD. Costumes: Anne Waldman & DD. Music: Harold Budd, from Abandoned Cities; John Fahey, from Requiem for John Hurt; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, from Divertimento in F; Peter Garland, from Dreaming of Immortality in a Thatched Cottage. Presented at Performing Arts Center, Naropa Institute
September 6-27 – DD in Salt Lake City
November 6 - PEEPSTONE: 24'. Commission: Linda Smith, Repertory Dance Theater. Made on and for dancers of Repertory Dance Theater Salt Lake City, UT. Music: Claude Debussy, Prelude #1; Bob Dylan, Going, Going, Gone; Thoinot Arbeau, Branle double; John Bartlet, Whither Runneth My Sweetheart; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Eine Kleine Gigue, K./KV 574; Claude Debussy, from Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp; Christoph Willibald von Gluck, Dance of the Furies, from Orfeo ed Euridice. Premier: The Capitol Theater, Salt Lake City, Utah
March 17-20, 24-27 - MATCHES: 62'. Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Douglas Dunn, Grazia Della-Terza, Jane Townsend, Bill Young. Design: Mimi Gross. Sound: Jacob Burckhardt. Lighting: Jeffrey McRoberts. Performed at The Kitchen, New York City; one night cancelled by the Fire Department.
May 1-June – DD goes to Paris lives and works on GONDOLAGES in Poissy with Jean and Wilfride
June 1 – Premier, GONDOLAGES: 32'. Co-commission: Jean Guizerix/Wilfride Piollet; Marcel Bonnaud, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Dancers: Wilfride Piollet, Jean Guizerix, Douglas Dunn. Design: Uli Gassmann. Music: Richard Strauss, from Eine Alpensinfonie; Giacomo Puccini, Nessun Dorna from Turandot; Francesco Cavalli, Amara servitu; Captaine Tobias Hume, Touch Me Lightly, from Musicall Humors; Fernando Sor, Study for Guitar; Robert Schumann, Kreisleriana #1, Opus 16, & Kinderszenen #1, Opus 15; Alabama, There's No Way; Enrique Granados, Spanish Dance in E Minor, transcribed and played by Andres Segovia. Lighting: Uli Gassmann & Said Fakhoury. Premier: Centre Georges Pompidou. The work continues to be performed as repertory in the group Jean Guizerix, Wilfride Piollet, Jean Christophe Pare.
July- MATCHES at the World Financial Center, New York City Workshop at Jacob’s Pillow
September 8 - HAOLE: 40'. Solo for DD. Text: Niles Eldredge & Ian Tattersall, from The Myths of Human Evolution. Music: Brian Eno, from Music for Films; Thoinot Arbeau, Branle double; Claude Debussy, Prelude #1; Bob Dylan, Going, Going, Gone; Giacomo Puccini, Nessun Dorna from Turandot; Francesco Cavalli, Amara servitu; Captaine Tobias Hume, from Musicall Humors; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Eine Kleine Gigue, K./KV 574; Charles Kaipo and His Happy Hawaiians, from Sophisticated Hulas. Performances: Whitney Museum's Equitable Center Theater, September 8, 1988;
HAOLE at the Painted Bride in Philadelphia, PA
September 10-24 – Judging Dance at Sala Olimpia, Il Certamen Coreographico de Madrid. September 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18th 1988. Jury President - Madrid, Spain.
September 29-October 2 – DD works at New Arts in Philadelphia, PA
October- HAOLE at the Gunnery School, Washington, CT
November 19 - NOVEMBER DUET : 6'. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn. Music: Little Sonny. Premier: DD&D Benefit, the Douglas Dunn Studio, 541 Broadway, New York City
December - DD in Minneapolis making WILDWOOD for New Dance Ensemble
March 2 - SKY EYE: 60'. Co-production: The Danspace Project at St. Mark's Church, New York City; Michel Guy, Festival d'Automne, Paris. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Michael La Salata, Jane Townsend, Bill Young. Set, Ghostbreath Mountain, & Costumes: Mimi Gross. Music: Andre Campra, from Messe de Requiem; Abess Hildegard of Bingam, from Gothic Voices; from Codex Chantilly, Airs de Cour du XIV siecle; Claude Debussy, Nuages; from Music of the Rain Forest Pygmies; Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, from Miss Negra sum; Josquindes Pres, from Missa Pange Lingua; from Drums of West Africa, Ritual Music of Ghana. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Premier: St. Mark's Church, New York City
Also performs in Lisbon, Portugal & Paris, France
March 28 – DD to Albany and back??
April 2-9 – Minneapolis, DD teaches on the 3-5
April 9 – DD to NY
April 13 – Stanford, teaches on the 14th
April 16 – Performs at the Sequoias
April 18 – DD to Seattle, teaches class at Cornish school under auspices of Brenda Daniels, then goes to Bellingham WA
April 22 – Grazia and DD perform at Mt.Baker Theater, some of NOVEMBER DUET, solo from VIEW, and solo from ELBOW ROOM
April 26 – DD teaches a class at Western Washington University
May 1 – DD to Portland, teaches workshop on the 2nd, and May 3 performs HAOLE
May 5 – DD return to NY
May 12 – HAOLE: Rockland Center for the Arts, 27 South Greenbush Road, West Nyack, NY
May 17 & 20: Excerpts from THE GREAT DINOSAUR RESCUE: The American Natural History Museum, New York, NY. Performed in The Hall of Late Dinosaurs, DD and Grazia Della-Terza performed duet from THE GREAT DINOSAUR RESCUE. Music by John Cimino and Richard Albagli.
May 20, 22-25 - THE GREAT DINOSAUR RESCUE: Work conceived by John Cimino for Associated Solo Artists, of which he is Director, and guests. DD & Grazia Della-Terza were Guest Artists in the production, making and performing material to fit the show, intended for young audiences. Music: John Cimino, Richard Albagli, Jon Klibonoff. Grazia Della-Terza & DD performed in two series of presentations, two shows a day: Imagination Celebration, sponsored by the New York State Education Department & the New York State Museum, at the New York State Museum, Albany, NY
May 25 – DD to NYC, did something with Jan Gero that night and then went back to Albany on the 26th
May 27-29, June 4 – More DINOSAUR RESCUE performances in Albany
June 3-7 – DD serves on NEA
July 1 – DD fly to Aix en Provence, France
July 6 – HAOLE: Espace Culturel Mejanes, Manufacture d'Allumettes, Festival International Danse a Aix, Aix en Provence, France
July 23 – Return to US
July 26 – DD at Jacob’s Pillow, teaches classes on 27 & 28.
July 29 - DD goes to Belfast, Maine: Triple Duo?
August 2 – Return to NY
September 8 - AHOY: 15'. Occasional Dance commissioned by the Staten Island Council on the Arts. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Michael La Salata, Jane Townsend, Bill Young. Music: Selection by DD. Performed on the Staten Island Ferry, once each way.
September-October - THE GREAT DINOSAUR RESCUE: Work conceived by John Cimino for Associated Solo Artists, of which he is Director, and guests. DD & Grazia Della-Terza were Guest Artists in the production, making and performing material to fit the show, intended for young audiences. Music: John Cimino, Richard Albagli, Jon Klibonoff. Grazia Della-Terza & DD performed in two series of presentations: the second at Broward Center for the Performing Arts, Fort Lauderdale, FL
??? premier- WILDWOOD: 33'. Commission: Linda Shapiro, New Dance Ensemble. Dancers: Jeffrey D. Annis, Michael Casper, Denise Gustafson, Lisa Powers, Robin Stiehm/Denise Ptacek. Music: Gavin Bryars, from Three Viennese Dancers. Costumes: Katherine Maurer. Premier: Minneapolis, MN, 1989.
October 5-16 – SKY EYE: 60’. Performances from October 9-15th. DD in Paris with company. Festival d'Automne, Paris. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Michael La Salata, Jane Townsend, Bill Young. Set, Ghostbreath Mountain, & Costumes: Mimi Gross. Music: Andre Campra, from Messe de Requiem; Abess Hildegard of Bingam, from Gothic Voices; from Codex Chantilly, Airs de Cour du XIV siecle; Claude Debussy, Nuages; from Music of the Rain Forest Pygmies; Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, from Miss Negra sum; Josquindes Pres, from Missa Pange Lingua; from Drums of West Africa, Ritual Music of Ghana. Lighting: Carol Mullins.
October 19&20 – DD performs in Syracuse
November 30 - December 3, December 7-10 & 17 – WILDWOOD: 33'. Resetting on DD&D of piece made on New Dance Ensemble, Minneapolis, MN, 1988. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Michael La Salata, Jane Townsend. Design: Mimi Gross. Music: Gavin Bryars, from Three Viennese Dancers. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Performed at the Douglas Dunn Studio, 541 Broadway, New York City
PEEPSTONE: 24'. Resetting on DD&D of piece made on Repertory Dance Theater, Salt Lake City, UT, 1987. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Michael La Salata, Jane Townsend. Guests: Keith Chamberlain, Kristina Harvey-Stebbins, Volker J. Schmidt, Sophia Wong. Design: Mimi Gross. Music: Claude Debussy, Prelude #1; Bob Dylan, Going, Going, Gone; Thoinot Arbeau, Branle double; John Bartlet, Whither Runneth My Sweetheart; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Eine Kleine Gigue, K./KV 574; Claude Debussy, from Sonata for Flute, Viola & Harp; Christoph Willibald von Gluck, Dance of the Blessed Spirits from Orfeo ed Euridice. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Performed at the Douglas Dunn Studio, 541 Broadway, New York City
December 7-10 WILDWOOD and PEEPSTONE at DD’s studio at 541 west Broadway
December 17 WILDWOOD and PEEPSTONE at DD’s studio at 541 west Broadway
****[this is probably Solo Film & Dance, but not sure] Studio Theater, University of California, Riverside, January 4, 1991; Pyramid Center for Visual and Performing Arts, 214 North Goodman St., Rochester, NY, May 11, 1991; Denison University, Granville, OH, Feb. 17, 1995, altered version incorporating students.
January 2-27 – Minneapolis
March 27-11 Missoula MT makes DON”T CRY NOW on students
January 25 - HAOLE: Walker Art Center, Vineland Place, Minneapolis, MN
March 4-11, Douglas Dunn & Dancers in residence at University of Montana.
March 8, SKY EYE, Performance at Montana Theater at 8pm. 60’. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Michael La Salata, Jane Townsend, Bill Young. Set, Ghostbreath Mountain, & Costumes: Mimi Gross. Music: Andre Campra, from Messe de Requiem; Abess Hildegard of Bingam, from Gothic Voices; from Codex Chantilly, Airs de Cour du XIV siecle; Claude Debussy, Nuages; from Music of the Rain Forest Pygmies; Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, from Miss Negra sum; Josquindes Pres, from Missa Pange Lingua; from Drums of West Africa, Ritual Music of Ghana. Lighting: Carol Mullins.
March 10 & 11 - BLOCS: 12'. At the invitation of Barbara Barker, Chair, University of Minnesota Dance Department. Made on and for the University of Minnesota's URepCo: Mary Crimi, Nicole Grandstrand, Kris Heruth, Gary Heyer, Mathey Janczewski, Maria Loisel, Megan Mayer, Susan McKenna, Kristine Mudd, Pam Prohofsky, Aislinn Robinson, Rosy Simas, Julieanne Sorensen, Kristin Waage, Laurie Wolfson. Costumes: Todd A. Studebaker after DD. Music: Tom Waits,Temptation; Gustav Mahler, from Symphony #2; Marianne Faithfull, Times Square. Performed at Rarig Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
March 10 - DD adjudicated at American College Dance Festival in Missoula, MT. Gala Concert American College Dance Festival, Missoula, Montana. University of Montana.
March 23 – HAOLE: Commons Theatre, Drew University, Madison, NJ
April 4-8 – Company in residence at Sweet Briar College, Virginia
April 24-May 2 – DD in Palo Alto, CA. Dances at the Sequoias April 28; solo at Stanford April 29
April 26-28, May 4-5 - ROSES: 8'. Commission: Linda Shapiro, New Dance, Minneapolis, MN. Made on & for Robin Stiehm & Luc Bal. Music: Sergei Rachmaninov, Preludes Opus 23, #2 & #4. First Performed at the Cricket Theater, Minneapolis, MN; man's part sometimes danced by Jeffrey D. Annis.
May 17-20 – DD in Denton, Texas. Teaches classes on 18,19, 20. Performs parts of HAOLE on the 19th
May 30–June 2 - DON'T CRY NOW: 11'. At the invitation of Amy Ragsdale, University of Montana Dance Department. Made for students of the University of Montana, Missoula, MT. Prepared March 1990, first performed at the Montana Theater, University of Montana, Missoula, May 30-June 2, 1990, with Jeffrey Bauer, Melinda Bessler, Savitri Durkee, Gillian Hull, Wendy Mauer, Amy Ragsdale (professor), Lori Read, Amy Sennett, Mick Servoss, Nicholas Yonko. The work remains in the repertory of The Montana Transport Company, and was performed by them, (excerpted) at The Open Space, Performing Arts Building, University of Montana, April 1, 1994, and at the Flathead High School Auditorium, Kalispell, MT, April 2, 1994, with Brooke Broadhurst, Pamela Morrison, Michelle Olson, Christopher Moll, Mary Molloy. Music: Marvin Gaye, I Heard It Through The Grapevine; The Chiffons, He's So Fine; Brenton Wood, The Oogum Boogum Song; The Shirelles, Will You Love Me Tomorrow. First performed by DD&D at Informal Performance, Bennington College, Bennington, VT, August 8, 1990, with Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Michael La Salata, Jane Townsend, Bill Young.
June 7-15 – DD serves on NEA company panel
June 19-28 – DD at Alta
July 3-4 – DD serves on NEA company panel
July 8-15 – Lisbon, Portugal : 11th performed outdoor show of SKY EYE, 12th did lecture demonstration and show. 60’. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Michael La Salata, Jane Townsend, Bill Young. Set, Ghostbreath Mountain, & Costumes: Mimi Gross. Music: Andre Campra, from Messe de Requiem; Abess Hildegard of Bingam, from Gothic Voices; from Codex Chantilly, Airs de Cour du XIV siecle; Claude Debussy, Nuages; from Music of the Rain Forest Pygmies; Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, from Miss Negra sum; Josquindes Pres, from Missa Pange Lingua; from Drums of West Africa, Ritual Music of Ghana. Lighting: Carol Mullins.
July 16-29 – Arcata, California (Humbolt State University) DD residency
July 26 – HAOLE : John Van Duzer Theatre, Humbolt State University, Arcata, CA
July 27 – Showing of the class piece at Humbolt State University
July 29 – returned home
July 29- August 11 – Residency at Bennington College: making UNREST with Bill Cole and the Company
August 3&4 – DD went to D.C. for the NEA
August- Nation wide broadcast of THE MYTH OF MODERN DANCE on PBS
August 6 – Douglas’s mother dies, DD flies to California on the 10th and returned the 11th
August 12-24 – Went to Berlin, SKY EYE at the Academie der Kunst Hebbel Theater on 16, 17, and 18th. 60’. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Michael La Salata, Jane Townsend, Bill Young. Set, Ghostbreath Mountain, & Costumes: Mimi Gross. Music: Andre Campra, from Messe de Requiem; Abess Hildegard of Bingam, from Gothic Voices; from Codex Chantilly, Airs de Cour du XIV siecle; Claude Debussy, Nuages; from Music of the Rain Forest Pygmies; Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, from Miss Negra sum; Josquindes Pres, from Missa Pange Lingua; from Drums of West Africa, Ritual Music of Ghana. Lighting: Carol Mullins.
On the 19th Sans Souci??
August 24 – went to Krakow, Poland
August 29 – returned to New York
September 21-23 – Performance in Atlanta on Saturday, September 22. The Arts Festival of Atlanta Piedmont Park. Performed DON’T CRY NOW & ROSES.
October 17 – Wednesday, 12:15 pm performance of SKY EYE Performed atThe Continental Atrium, 180 Maiden Lane, New York, NY. Series: Free Fall. Underwritten by The Continental Corporation Foundation. Programmed by The Lower Manhattan Cultural Council. Admission Free.
October 21-28 – Paris? On the 27th DD saw William Forsythe’s Slingerland.
Fall - THE MYTH OF MODERN DANCE : 26'. Video-dance based on Haole (1988). Co-production: Susan Dowling, WGBH New Television Workshop; Alive From Off-Center. Performer: DD. Costumes, Direction & Editing: Charles Atlas. Shot in December, 1989. First shown: Fall 1990, on Public Television's Alive From Off-Center.
November 19 – RGU received $2,000 from Joyce Mertz-Gilmore Foundation
November 20 – RGU received $500 from New York Foundation for the Arts, Inc.
November 28 – United States Information Service panel, Washington DC
December 13, 15, 17, 20, & 23 - UNREST: 59'. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Michael La Salata, Jane Townsend, Bill Young. Design: Mimi Gross. Music: Bill Cole, playing live. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Commissioned by and performed at Dancespace, St. Mark's Church, New York City
(DD & D managed by SoHo Booking. Anne Ronsenthal, Anne Bradner and Jessica Baker)
January 2-6 – University of California Riverside residency
January 4 – DD Master Class
January 5 – Performances of HAOLE. Invited by Susan Foster.
January 6- DD to San Francisco; meet Marge at David Ireland’s, meet Lana at David Ireland’s, meet Susan and Diane Frank
Jan 8 - Go to Blue Lake
Jan 13 – Go to D.C.
Jan 14 – Flew to NYC for a Group
January 15– February 2 – DD at American University teaching and creating piece on the students, Washington, D.C.
February 7-March 8 – DD teaching at New Dance Ensemble, Minneapolis, MN
February 3- March 9 – DD in Minneapolis, MN; University of Minnesota residency where Douglas created HURRY UP. Guest artist of Cowles Chair
March 9 – returned to NYC
March 16-24 – DD teaches for CanalDanse. Invited by Patricia Brouilly in Paris, France.
March 21-24 - LET'S GET BUSY: 14'. At the invitation of Ann McDonald, American University Dance Department. Made on and for students at American University, Washington, DC: Nancy Anwyll, Laura Dunaway, J.M. Rebudal, Cindy Rosenfeld, Timothy Willmot. Costumes: Barbara Tucker Parker after DD. Music: John Adams, from Shaker Loops. Lighting: Mark Anduss & Mark Simpson. Prepared January, performed at The American University Experimental Theater, Washington, DC.
March 31- April 7 – Portland, OR
April 4-7 - HURRY UP: 10'. At the invitation of Barbara Barker, Chair, University of Minnesota Dance Department. Made on and for dancers of the University of Minnesota's URepCo: Julie Anne Fugate, Nicole Grandstrand, Kris Heruth, Megan Mayer, Dawn Murray, Carey Thompson. Costumes: Barbara F. Norman after DD. Lighting: J.W. Layne. Score: vocalization by dancers. Performed at University Theater, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
May 9-12 – DD in Rochester NY, on the 10th teaches class at SUNY, on the 11th Douglas performs HAOLE at the Pyramid Arts Center. Director, Larry Champaux. Lighting: Carol Mullins.
May/June - RUBBLE DANCE, LONG ISLAND CITY : 21'. Film-dance. Company Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Christopher Caines, Sam Keany, Laura Oguiza, Gwen Welliver. Produced by Elizabeth Powers, Rio Grande Union, Inc. Cameras: Rudy Burckhardt, Jacob Burckhardt, Christopher Sweet. Direction & Editing: Rudy Burckhardt. Costumes: Mimi Gross. Music: Bill Cole, Warren Smith, Robert Black. Music Editing: Rudy Burckhardt. Shot in Long Island City, Queens, NY
June 3-7 – DD on NEA PANEL IN DC
July 21-26 – DD on another NEA Panel
August 8-17 – DD residency at Bates College, Lewiston, MA. Teaching and performance
August 10 – RUBBLE VARIATIONS: 11'. Solo for DD. Arrangement of material from the film, Rubble Dance: Long Island City (1991). Music: Soviet Army Chorus & Band, conducted by Colonel Boris Alexandrov. Costume: Mimi Gross. Performed at the Bates Summer Dance Festival, Schaeffer Theater, Bates College, Lewiston, MA. Invited by Laura Faure
August 22-23 – DD & D Company Auditions
September 30 – October 10 – Douglas and Grazia dance in the Great Dinosaur Rescue presented by Associated Solo Artists Inc., John Cimino-President. Two shows a day. Ft. Lauderdale, The Broward Center for Performing Arts.
October 11-21 – To Sao Paulo with Jean Guizerix and Wilfrde Piollet and Uli Gassmann includes: GONDOLAGES as part of performance. Chaconne choreography Jose Limon, Music: J.S Bach, Performer: Jean Guizerix. Temps de Baroque sections: Chaconne, Passe-peid. Choreography, Francine Lancelot. Music: Jean-Philipee Remau. Performer: Wilfrde Piollet. Poids de Sentur Choreography: Odile Rouquet, Music: Hector Berlioz from the poem “Spectacle de la Rose” by Theophile Gautire, Costume design: Ocimar Versolato, Performers: Jean Guizerix and Wilfrde Piollet.
October 18 & 19 - RUBBLE VARIATIONS: 11'. Solo for DD. Arrangement of material from the film, Rubble Dance: Long Island City. Music: Soviet Army Chorus & Band, conducted by Colonel Boris Alexandrov. Costume: Mimi Gross. Performed at the 21st Bienal International de Sao Paulo, Theatro Municipal de Sao Paulo, Brazil
October 23-24 – DD dances at the 20th Anniversary of The Kitchen, Invited by Robert Sterns
November 14-16 – DD flies to Portland, OR. HAOLE(?)
December 6&7 - DOUBLE BOND: 21'. At the invitation of Dante Del Guidice, Chair, Rhode Island College Dance Department. Made on and performed by the Rhode Island College Dance Company: Michelle Bastien, Tone Bernard, Shellie Carr, Karen Krikorian, Donna McGuire, Laura Newell, Becky Norris, Samantha Stevens, Laurie Walmsley. Costumes: DD & Armando Perez. Music: Robert Elam, Aleatory Montage. Lighting: Michael Giannitti. Premier: Roberts Auditorium, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI
December 20 – APAP Showcase under the auspices of Pentacle at Dance Space Project, St. Marks Church. Douglas Dunn, David Ireland collaboration (STUCCO MOON in progress)
December 22 at 3:00pm, part of Holiday Showcase – Pentacle. University Settlement House, 184 Eldridge Street, NYC, NY.
January 18 – DD dances at First Festival Arts at University Settlement
February 9 – “Sundays at 3” Presentation, Dance Center at 92nd Street Y, NYC
****February 10,11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 25 DD leads Improvisation Workshop [not sure where; pages show IL, & dates conflict with next entry]
February 23 – DD arrives in MN, company arrives the 25th
March 15 - 17 - STUCCO MOON: 65'. Original version, Minneapolis, MN. A work designed to incorporate non-Company dancers and performers. DD makes work on each group separately, then merges the groups in the process of making the final arrangement. Material from previous versions may be used in later ones. Co-commission: Linda Shapiro, New Dance Performance Lab; John Killacky, Walker Art Center. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Barbara Grubel, Sam Keany, Kari Richardson. New Dance Dancers: Matthew Brown, Michael Casper, Michael Engel, Catherine Jhung, Krista Langberg, Jane Shockley, Robin Stiehm. Design & Music: David Ireland. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Performed at Norris Gymnasium, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
March 18 – Company flies to DC
March 21 & 22 - STUCCO MOON: 59'. Washington, DC version. At the invitation of Carla Perlo, Director, Dance Place. Company Dancers: Susan Blankensop, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Barbara Grubel, Sam Keany, Kari Richardson. Design & Music: David Ireland. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Performed at Dance Place, Washington, DC.
March 22 – showing of RUBBLE DANCE and NIGHT FANTASIES (both by Rudy Burckhardt)
March 23 – Company went to Kutztown, PA for TV taping at studio in Reading, PA under the auspices of James Carroll, and same day returned to NYC
April 16 – showing of RUBBLE DANCE, LONG ISLAND CITY, NY Premier. Triple Duo and Dancers, Buildings, and People in the Street. At Anthology Film Archives, NYC
April 19 – May 19 – DD to Portland
May 3 – Company joined DD for residency
May 8 – Informal showing of RUBBLE DANCE, LONG ISLAND CITY. By Rudy Burckhardt and DD at Shattuck Hall.
May 15-17 - STUCCO MOON: 61', plus 30' Prelude in, around, and outside the theater. Portland, OR version. At the instigation of Judy Patton, Dance Department, Portland State University. Dancers: Company: Raquel Aedo, Keith Chamberlain, Janet Charleston, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Sam Keany, Kari Richardson. Student performers from various departments: Erenest L. Adams, Cassie Babcock, Robin La Rue Cannalla, Rinda Chambers, Holly Chronister, James Cosper, Catherine Egan, Sigrid Faulkner, Ritsuko Fujiwara-Smith, Stormy Gale, Tara Gerttula, Sherri Gribble, Jeriel Hargett, Mark Hayes, Jeremy Laverdure, Mary Macy, Chrysta Masterson, Angela McDonell, Kristina Michaels, Darelene Muller, Mindy Orozco, Sandra Perkins, Jenny Reeves, Amy Rose, Kayla Scrivner, Lisa M. Thompson, Lisa Ventrella, Kris Vercouteren, Astrid Villegas, Colleen Wharton, Ann Whitesides. Music: PSU Contemporary Chamber Ensemble, Directed by Joel Bluestone: Mark Bond, Teresa Dickinson, Marc Fetchen, Eric Getter, Brad Hawkins, Dan Polidori, Julia Richter, Erika Sevetson, Bethel Spooner. Design: David Ireland, with the participation of Fine Arts students. Lighting: Carol Mullins, with the participation of Theater Arts students. Presented at the Lincoln Performance Hall, Portland State University, Portland, OR
June 4 – DD to Hong Kong under the auspices of HT Chen paired as teaching duo with Sarah Skaggs, Grazia there too
June 6 – Attended the premiere performance of the Guangdong Modern Dance Company in Guangzhou
June 6-20 – DD in Hong Kong. City Contemporary Dance Company. DD teaches class. Director Willy Tsao.
June 21-July 8 – DD to Taipei. Classes at the Taipei Dance Workshop. Ping Heng Director of Dance Forum-Tapei
July 9-16 – DD teaches at the International Dance Academy
July 29 & 30 - OCTOPUS: 10'. (200 balls) At the invitation of Sally Banes and Jed Wheeler, resetting of the 1974 work. Company Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Sam Keany, Kari Richardson. Guest: Connor McTeague. Costumes, Text & Tape: DD. Performed at Megadance, Serious Fun, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, New York City
August 2-12 – DD to CA
August 14-17 – Company auditions at studio
August 25-October 11 – College of Rhode Island, in Providence, RI. DD makes dance on students. DD travels to Minneapolis, MN. DD travels to Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
October 11-22 – DD to Sao Paulo with Jean Guizerix, Wilfried Piollet and Uli Gassmann
Sept 26 – DD and Grazia NYC to Greensboro, return on the 30th
September 27-29 - THE STAR THROWER: Commission to Associated Solo Artists, John Cimino, Director, by Stanley S. Gryskiewicz, the Center for Creative Leadership, for the 1992 International Creativity & Innovation Networking Conference. Grazia Della-Terza & DD were Guest Artists, making and performing material in collaboration with ASA. Concept & Script: John Cimino. Music: John Cimino, Richard Albagli, Jon Klibonoff, Diane Legros. Performed at the Conference, Greensboro, NC.
October 8 – DD dances in benefit for Harvest Works/Studio Pass at Thread Waxing Space, invited by Brian Karl
October 21 - LANDING: 27'. Company Dancers: Raquel Aedo, Keith Chamberlain, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Barbara Grubel, Sam Keany, Kari Richardson. Music: Landing, written for DD&D by Steve Lacy. Costumes: Charles Atlas. Set: Uli Gassmann. Lighting, Carol Mullins. Premier: Dance Theater Workshop, New York City, with Steve Lacy and ensemble playing live.
RUBBLE DANCE: 20'. Arrangement for stage using material from the film Rubble Dance, Long Island City (1991). Company Dancers: Raquel Aedo, Keith Chamberlain, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Barbara Grubel, Sam Keany, Kari Richardson. Music: Bill Cole, Warren Smith, Robert Black. Tape Mix: Jacob Burckhardt. Costumes: Mimi Gross. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Premier: Dance Theater Workshop
SKID: 26'. Revival of 1981 work. Company Dancers: Raquel Aedo, Keith Chamberlain, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Barbara Grubel, Sam Keany, Kari Richardson. Music: John Driscoll, Fishs Eddy. Costumes: Mimi Gross. Lighting: Carol Mullins after Patrick O'Rourke. First performance of revival, Dance Theater Workshop, New York City
November 1-11 – DD sets piece on dancers at Rhode Island College, Providence, RI.
November 15-23 - Festival D’Autumn. LANDING: European Premiere. Music: Steve Lacy (played live) ; SKID: 81’ (originally made for Autumn Festival) Music John Driscoll. Design: Mimi Gross; RUBBLE DANCE: European Premiere, Music: Bill Cole, Robert Black. Design: Uli Gassman (design mistakenly contributed to Mimi Gross on the initial promotional materials). Dancers: Keith Chamberlain, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Barbara Grubel, Sam Keany, Kari Richardson. Musicians: Steve Lacy - soprano saxophone, Angelo Frascarelli – conductor, Richard Al Vagli percussion, Michael Canonico –trumpet, Jon Klibonoff – piano, Michael Morelli – bass, Peter Zummo –trombone.
November 4 – Company arrives in Paris
November 17-22 – Douglas in France/ musicians names: Jon Klibonoff, Peter Zummo, Richard Albagli, Angelo Frascarelli, Micheal Canonico, Steve Lacey, Micheal Morelli
November 22 – Flew Paris to Charleroi, Belgium SKID ; RUBBLE DANCE ; LANDING
December 2 – Company returns to NYC
December 18 – LANDING (excerpt). Pentacle Showcase at Danspace Project at St.Mark’s Church, Music: Steve Lacy, Costumes: Charles Atlas, Lights: Carol Mullins, Dancers: Raquel Aedo, Keith Chamberlian, Grazia Della-Terza, DD, Barbara Grubel, Sam Keany, Kari Richardson.
(DD & D managed by Carol Blanco)
January 24-29 – DD in Krakow and co.
January 30- February 4 – DD to Berlin
February 8 – DD in Champaign, IL to begin residency at University of Illinois
March 3 – DD flies Champaign to New York
April 4 – EMPTY REEL : 4'. Commissioned by Renee Wadleigh as solo for herself. Music: Traditional Scottish. Costume: Renee Wadleigh after DD. Lighting: Jim Janninck. Performed by DD as part of a DD&D Lecture Demonstration at the 92nd St. Y, New York
ROCK WALK : 16'. At the instigation of Renee Wadleigh, made on & for graduate students at the University of Illinois: Music: Yaz Shehab. Costumes: DD. Performed by Douglas Dunn & Dancers as part of Lecture Demonstration at the 92nd St. Y, New York City
April 12 – EMPTY REEL: 4'. Commissioned by Renee Wadleigh as solo for herself. Music: Traditional Scottish. Costume: Renee Wadleigh after DD. Lighting: Jim Janninck. Performed by DD at New Dance Alliance Performance Mix, Dia Center for the Arts, New York City
April 16 & 17 - ROCK WALK: 16'. At the instigation of Renee Wadleigh, made on & for graduate students at the University of Illinois: Stuart Gold, Anne Lall, An-Li Su, Olga Tragant, Ming-Lung Yang. Music: Yaz Shehab. Costumes: DD. Prepared in February, performed at the Krannert Center's Studio Theater, Urbana, IL
April 22 – EMPTY REEL: 4'. Commissioned by Renee Wadleigh as solo for herself. Music: Traditional Scottish. Costume: Renee Wadleigh after DD. Lighting: Jim Janninck. Performed by DD at the Community Education Center, Philadelphia, PA.
May 1 – DD flies NY to San Francisco; At The Djerassi Institute, DD was there until 27
May 29 - DD & Grazia to Melbourne, Australia
May 28-30 – ROCK WALK: Performed by Douglas Dunn & Dancers at the Merce Cunningham Studio, 55 Bethune St., New York City
June 30- July 3 - DANCE FOR A PAST TIME: 64'. Company Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn. Former Company Dancer: John McLauglin. Special Guest Performers: David Ireland, Noel Sheridan. Other Dancers: Gillian Alexi, Deanne Butterworth, Elaeth Davies, Paul Gazzolla, Pascale Hanrion, Fanci Hitanaya, Hilton Jaggart, Felicity Kinsella, Elissa Meyer-Thomas, Sue Peacock, Renata Smenda, Cecille Veldhoven, Kathy Vogiatskis, Sarah Ward, Fiona Watson. Design: David Ireland. Music: Lindsey Vickery & Johnathan Mustard, playing live. Lighting: Steve Wickham. At the instigation of John McLaughlin, commissioned by and performed at the Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Noel Sheridan, Director, Perth, Western Australia. *During the Perth time DD made TANGLING on students there
July 5 – DD & G fly to the middle of Australia to visit Uluru. It is still legal to climb to the top. We do so.
July 11 – Sydney to Denpasar/Bali
July 27 – Sydney to Nadi
August 2 – DD flies to San Francisco
August 9 – DD flies to Seattle/Bellingham
August 23 – DD flies St. Louis to NYC
September 9-19 – DD reset PULCINELLA
October 3-11 – DD in Portland, OR for residency at Portland State University with company: Grazia Della-Terza, Sam Keany, Keith Chamberlain, Raquel Aedo, Kari Richardson, Janet Charleston, and Carol Mullins as lighting designer and Steve Lacy as musician.
Oct 4 – DD technique class
Oct 5 – DD technique class and showing of Myth of Modern Dance and Rubble Dance Long Island City
Oct 6 – DD Lecture to Portland City Club
Oct 7 – Company Lecture dem., and Steve taught Jazz workshop
Oct 8 & 9 – Performance in Lincoln Hall: RUBBLE DANCE, LANDING, SKID
October 13 - EMPTY REEL: 4'. Commissioned by Renee Wadleigh as solo for herself. Music: Traditional Scottish. Costume: Renee Wadleigh after DD. Lighting: Jim Janninck. Prepared January, first performed at the Krannert Center, Urbana, IL.
October 16 – DD fly NYC to Bordeaux France
October 31 – DD flies Paris to Washington D.C., to give lecture in Charlottesville VA at University of Virginia. Invited by Kate Nesbitt
November 2-6 - TANGLING: 12'. At the invitation of John McLaughlin. Dancers, students of Edith Cowan University. One cast: Sela Kiek, Shelley Mardon, Joanna Pollitt, Marcus Reid, Vivienne Rogis, Kathy Vogiatskis, Fiona Watson, Sascha Wilson. Another cast: Deanne Butterworth, Billie Cook, Sarah Cooke, Fiona Druskovich, Fanci Hitanaya, Alison Martin, Catherine Post, Cecile Veldhoen. Music: David Pye. Decor: Michael Betts. Costumes: Felipe Reynolds. Prepared in June, performed at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia. DD not present.
November 1-15 – DD returns to Bordeaux
November 12,14,16-18 - PULCINELLA variations: 29'. Resetting of 1980 original, omitting several sections, on the Grand Theatre de Bordeaux. Dancers: Emmanuelle Grizot, Gilles Martin, Nathalie Anglard, Helene Ballon, Carole Dion, Christelle Lara, Stefania Sandrin, Valerie Simmonet, Michele Verdini, Karym Amellal, Salvatore Gagliardi, Gael Lambiotte, Christopher Nicita, Jorg Rauch, Loris Zambon. Music: Igor Stravinsky, Pulcinella. Costumes: Norbert Schmucki after Douglas Dunn. Lighting: Jean-Pascal Pracht. Performed at the Grand Theatre, Bordeaux, France. Director: Alain Lombard. On a show with Danses concertantes, choreography: Ted Brandsen. Soiree Stravinsky. Le Sacre de Printemps by Erich Walter
December 18 – 4:30-5:30 pm, 541 Broadway Loft Showing and Pentacle Showcase.
January 6-9 – 2 performances at Pace Downtown Theater. RUBBLE DANCE mixed program for Urban Artworks. Sponsored by Mary Bruce Blackburn of the American Dance Ensemble. Pace Theater in the Schimmel Center.
January 27-30 - STUCCO MOON: 70'. New York version. Company Dancers: Raquel Aedo, Janet Charleston, Keith Chamberlain, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Sam Keany, Kari Richardson. Special Guest: Amy Ragsdale. Guests, members of the Harkness Workshop Series for Professional Dancers at the 92nd St. Y: Dorothee Caan, Kande Culver, Donna Graham, Janine Gutheil, Maja Lorkovic, Maria G. Ocanto, Michele Oppliger, Penny Price, Margaret Whalley. Costumes, set & sound: David Ireland. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Performed at LaMama, New York City
April 30 - DANCE FOR NEW DANCE: 6'. Video-dance, made on the occasion of New Dance's Going-Out-Of-Business Celebration. Company Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn. Music: Noel Quinlan, from Middle Kingdom. Camera: Grazia Della-Terza. Sent to Minneapolis for the event.
June 17-19 – Widman Marathon retreat
July 18-22 & 25-29 - DISAPPEARANCES: 60'. Barely visible outdoor dancing for New York City. Company Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Kari Richardson, Douglas Dunn. Guests: Marie Baker-Lee, Dorothee Caan, Maja Lorkovic, Alice MacIntyre, Rachel Odoroff, Michele Oppliger, Mary Seidman, Margaret Whalley, Kriota Willberg, Rebekah Windmiller. Presented Noon Hours, next to the Marine Midland Bank at Broadway between Cedar & Liberty, and on the Chase Manhattan Bank Plaza at William & Cedar.
August 2-15 – DD at Alta, Grazia joining on the 10th.
Fall – DD teaching at Steinhardt NYU
November 3 & 4th – DD residency at the University of North Carolina, Greensborough, teaching and performance. Follow this DD drove to Ashville, NC to visit Ethan
November 19 – DD danced in benefit at St.Marks church: Danspace Projects presents Chance Encounters. WORK-IN-PROGRESS. Choreographer: Douglas Dunn. Performers: Grazia Della Terza, Douglas Dunn, Leonard Louissy, Kari Richardson.
November 28 – DD improv at Judson as a benefit for the church
December 18 - CARACOLE (excerpts): Choreography: Douglas Dunn. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Kari Richardson, Lennard Louisy, Douglas Dunn. SoHo Booking 1994-1995 Roster Showcase at The Kitchen, December 18, 1994.
January 7/8, 10-15, 17-20 - CARACOLE: 50'. Company Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Lennard Louisy, Kari Richardson. Costumes and Design: Mimi Gross. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Music: Richard K. Walton & Robert W. Lawson, Eastern/Central Birding by Ear; (trio) Atrium Musicae de Madrid, Grogorio Paniagua, Musique de la Grece Antique; (Kari’s Solo) Flute Solo from Apurimac, Kingdom of the Sun, Peru's Inca Heritage, recorded in Peru by David Lewiston; (Grazia & Douglas): Wasawasa Ni Dodomo, Wai-Koula Kei Tavua, South Pacific Recording Limited (from Fiji); (Grazia’s Solo): Krivo Horo, A Harvest, A Shepherd, A Bride), Village Music of Bulgaria, Dances of the World, Music from the Nonesuch Explorer Series; (Finale): Llegada, Los Chiriguanos of Paraguay/Gaurani Songs & Dances, Dances of the World, Music from the Nonesuch Explorer Series. First performed at the Douglas Dunn Studio, 541 Broadway, New York City, two shows each day on the two weekends.
January 30 – At the invitation of Gill Wright Miller, Douglas begins residency at Denison University. Residency finished on February 25.
February 17 - LOST IN LIGHT: 19'. At the invitation of Gill Wright Miller, commissioned by the Dance Department, Denison University, Granville, Ohio. Dancers: Michael Estanich, Sandy Mathern-Smith (faculty), Emmely Muehlhauser, Martha Mulligan, Cheyanne Paris. Costumes: DD. Music: Keith Fleming. Lighting: Fred Kraps. First performed, enmeshed in Haole, at Denison University. Was part of residency at the university
March 29 – Eisner Lubin Auditorium NYU Lobe Student Center, danced to Five Village Scenes by Dinu Ghezzo as an informal audition for the NYU Summer Program. Dancers: Douglas Dunn, Grazia Della-Terza, Teresa Heiland
April 13-16 - ROSES: Resetting of Minneapolis version (1990), on Kari Richardson and Lennard Louisy, with new section for Grazia Della-Terza & DD to Prelude in C Sharp Minor, Opus 23, #2 & #4, by Sergei Rachmaninov, danced between the two original sections. Costumes: Grazia Della-Terza & DD. Lighting: David Herrigel. Danced at PS122 on mixed program with Tina Croll, Kenneth King, and Wendy Perron. The updated version includes an added section prelude by Rachmaninov, where Grazia and Douglas danced duet. The last piece on the program was improvised piece by DD, Tina, Kenneth, and Wendy entitled LAST DANCE.
April 18 – DD flies from NYC to Seattle
April 30 – DD flies from Seattle to Missoula, MT
May 2-4 – Montana Transport Company/Artistic Director Amy Ragsdale, performed in the Montana Theater; performance included DON’T CRY NOW (1990) BY DD, Cast included: Brooke Broadhurst, Michelle Olson, Amy Ragsdale, Renata Godfrey, Mary Molloy Music: Marvin Gaye, I Heard It Through The Grapevine; The Chiffons, He's So Fine; Brenton Wood, The Oogum Boogum Song; The Shirelles, Will You Love Me Tomorrow. (earned $1,535)
May 3-6 – DD adjudicated at American College Dance Festival in Missoula, MT. On May 4 & 6 taught technique class as part of ACDFA festivities
May 7 – DD returns to NYC
May 30 – DD flies NYC - Washington, D.C., sits on National Endowment Panel
June 9 – DD flies Washington D.C. - Columbus, OH to be judge at dance festival
June 12 – Columbus to NYC
June 17/18 – DD attends Dance Theater Workshop Retreat at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, Confronting the Model, NYC
June 29 - July 16 – NYU Music and Dance in Pisa, Italy.DD arrived on July 9, Performed at the Cortile della Sapienza on July 16. Dance students: Maria Di Paola, Ciane Fernandes, Jeoung-Nam Park, Tien Hwa Yee. Part of residency with NYU
July 7 – Company show at Central Park Summer Stage. After post-show dinner, saying goodbye, DD falls, sprain ankle. Next day, a Sunday, discovers passport has expired. Gets, one, dragging leg up to Rockerfeller Center while Grazia packs whatever.
July 8 – DD to Pisa for NYU Summer Program. July 16, show in Cortile della Sapienza. July 17- August 1, program continues in Lucca. July 31, show in Teatro Poliziano, Montepulciano. Grazia arrives, she and DD drive around: Ravenna, Ancona, Assisi, Gubbio, Arezzo, Urbino, Orvieto. Rome. August 14, DD to NYC
August 29-31 – DD on National Endowment for the Arts Panel
September 5-10 – DD to LA to do business for extended family
September - December – Douglas teaches Open Structures at NYU
October 18-26 – Douglas teaches at Randolph-Macon Woman’s College under auspices of Pamela Riesenhoover, Ashland Virginia
October 27 & 28 - NYU Faculty Concert at Fredrick Loewe Theater, performed ROSES (excerpt) 1990/95
October 30-November 16 – DD at Williams College works with Joe Chaikin on FIRMAMENT.
November 18-21 – DD goes to Maryland under auspices of Park and Planning Commission. Panel for dance competition with Murray Lewis and Jennifer Dunning
November 24 - December 2 – FIRMAMENT: directed by Joseph Chaikin, a work in progress for which Douglas was a choreographic advisor; at LaMama Theater, NYC. For 2/3 weeks leading up to this, Douglas was working at Williams College with the group.
November 14 – Douglas teaches improvisation called “Dancing as the Sun Goes Down”, at the 92nd Street Y Harkness Dance Center, NYC
November 18-23 – Douglas sat on the Choreographers’ Showcase Panel with Murray Lewis and Jennifer Dunning. Under the auspices of Carolyn Tate. Maryland.
November 21 - Masterclass by DD at Dorothy Madden Studio at the University of Maryland, Dance Dept.
November 27 – Movement Research at Judson Church, collaborative improvisation, LAST DANCE. Dancers: Tina Croll, Douglas Dunn, Kenneth King, Wendy Perron
December 7-10 – H.T. Chen’s Newsteps Series at the Mulberry Street Theater for which Douglas was a judge.
December 26 – DD by train, Boston to NY
January 18-25 – Grazia & DD honeymoon at Treasure Beach in Jamaica.
April 11 - RETURN DANCE: 10'. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Kari Richardson. Design: Mimi Gross. Music: Joshua Fried. Lighting: Carol Mullins. This dance was made for the Princeton Alumni Concert at McCarter Theater, Princeton, NJ
April 12 – RETURN DANCE: presented at Dia, NYC, as part of concert produced by Tina Croll. This trio was later integrated in slightly altered form into Spell for Opening the Mouth of N.
(Did not go to summer program in Pisa, Italy)
July – DD teaches at the Instituto de Belles Artes, Mexico City, Mexico
November 7-19 - SPELL FOR OPENING THE MOUTH OF N : 75'. Collaboration with composer Joshua Fried. Dancers: Amy Baker, Janet Charleston, Derek Clifford, Georgia Corner, Grazia Della-Terza, Mark Drahozal, Douglas Dunn, Lennard Louisy, Edmund C. Melville, Kari Richardson. Singer/Actors: Hope Clark, Paula Cole, Dina Emerson, Lesley Farlow, Lisa Karrer, Gretchen Krich, Randolph Curtis Rand, Laurence Rawlins, Sheridan Roberts, Marlene Tholl, Susan Thompson, Jordana Toback, Claude Wampler. Text: Ruth Margraff. Design: Mimi Gross. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Each evening six of the singer/actors performed, plus Susan and Claude. First presented at The Kitchen, New York City
November 14 – DD teaches workshop, “Dancing As The Sun Goes Down” at the 92nd street Y, Harkness Dance Center
February 23 - FAMILIAL FETCHES' USUFRUCTUARY FOOTFALLS: Solo for Douglas Dunn. Sound Collage by Douglas Dunn: Mozart, Mahler, traditional song sung by John McCormack. Performed for Susan Leites Memorial Service, Parish Hall, St. Mark's Church, NYC
March 12 - FAMILIAL FETCHES' USUFRUCTUARY FOOTFALLS: Solo for Douglas Dunn. Sound Collage by Douglas Dunn: Mozart, Mahler, traditional song sung by John McCormack. Presented at Dixon Place, NYC
April 2 - FAMILIAL FETCHES' USUFRUCTUARY FOOTFALLS: Solo for Douglas Dunn. Sound Collage by Douglas Dunn: Mozart, Mahler, traditional song sung by John McCormack. Presented atMother, NYC, April 2, 1997. Includes phrase first danced for his mother's memorial service, 1991,
April 9 - FAMILIAL FETCHES' USUFRUCTUARY FOOTFALLS: Solo for Douglas Dunn. Sound Collage by Douglas Dunn: Mozart, Mahler, traditional song sung by John McCormack. Performed at Edwin Denby Memorial Service, St. Mark's Church, NYC
April 28 - NYU presents the NYU New Music and Dance Ensemble. Monday, April 28, 1997 NYU Frederick Loewe Theater. Dr. Esther Lamneck, dirctor. DD, choreographer.
June 13-15 -RIDDANCE: 12'. At the invitation of H.T. Chen; DD used as inspiration the Five Element Theory of Chinese Medicine. Dancers: Janet Charleston (Metal), Grazia Della-Terza (Earth), Heather Dougherty (Fire), Douglas Dunn (Water), Kari Richardson (Wood). Sound collage by Jacob Burckhardt. Premier at Taipei Theater, NYC.
Note: Janet Charleston adopted her section, “Metal,” as a solo she performed on her own in non-DD+D shows: SEAD in Salzburg, Austria (1998); Cunningham Faculty Concert, NYC, (2003); Dancers Responding to Aids Benefit at Danspace Project (2004); The Provincetown Art Association and Museum (2004); the Playhouse Theater at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Urbana, IL (2006); Douglas Dunn’s Salon Solos Etc. (2016); El Centro Cultural Los Talleres, Mexico City (2017). Janet also commissioned a 13-minute solo from DD, “RV”, performed as follows: the Cunningham Faculty Concert, premier (2004); University Settlement, NYC (2004); the Playhouse Theater at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Urbana, IL (2005); Ailey Citigroup Theater, NYC (2004); Douglas Dunn’s Salon Solos Etc. (2016); El Centro Cultural Los Talleres, Mexico City (2007).
June 20 – Grazia & DD NY to Zurich, 2 nights, to Brienz, 22-26, to Kanderstag, to Stresa, Lago Maggiore, to Pisa for NYU Summer Program. July 21 to NYC.
July 12 & 20 - NYU Summer Program in Pisa. New Music and Dance Ensemble, Performed on July 12 & 20 Location: Cortile della Sapienza, Pisa, Italy. DD teaches and performs. Invited by Artistic Director: Esther Lamneck
August 13 - SPELL FOR OPENING THE MOUTH OF N: 75'. Collaboration with composer Joshua Fried. Dancers: Amy Baker, Janet Charleston, Derek Clifford, Georgia Corner, Grazia Della-Terza, Mark Drahozal, Douglas Dunn, Lennard Louisy, Edmund C. Melville, Kari Richardson. Singer/Actors: Hope Clark, Paula Cole, Dina Emerson, Lesley Farlow, Lisa Karrer, Gretchen Krich, Randolph Curtis Rand, Laurence Rawlins, Sheridan Roberts, Marlene Tholl, Susan Thompson, Jordana Toback, Claude Wampler. Text: Ruth Margraff. Design: Mimi Gross. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Presented at the Damrosh Park Bandshell under the auspices of Lincoln Center Out-of-Doors, New York, NY.
September 8 - PYRRHIC PYROLA: 25’. Solo for Douglas Dunn. Sequence of bits from earlier work. Music by Joshua Fried, recorded bits from Spell. Performed at Talking Dancing Festival, Dansens Hus, Stockholm.
September 11 – Performance of LAZY MADGE. Remake by DD working August 16 to September 11, using choreographic process of the original (1976/77). Presented at Talking Dancing Festival, Dansens Hus, Stockholm, Sweden.
September 20, 21: Two site-specific works for fifteen dancers, first titled RIVEN, at baseball field at 8th Avenue & Leroy Street, NYC; The second titled FLINCH at Henoch Gallery in Soho. Original music by Joshua Fried. Part of the Downtown Arts Festival.
September 26 & 27 - As part of NYU Steinhardt Distinguished Faculty Concert, RIDDANCE: 12', as premiered on June 13 at Taipei Theater.
September 30 - October 3 WINDOW WORKS: an evolving performance/installation conceived and directed by Caterina Bartha in collaboration with others. Caterina and Douglas improvised in a store front window from noon to 1:00PM @ 135 W. 42nd NYC
November 17 – 8pm. Movement Research at Judson Church Presents: Meriwether Loofe. Choreographed and performed by the following: Amy Cox, Laura Staton, Douglas Dunn, David Alan Harris, Katherine Longstreth, Andrew Marcus, RoseAnne Spradlin, Kriota Willberg (with performers Bob Sikoryak and Roderick Murray).
December 7 - IFNY - 6th Annual Improvisation Festival of New York. Curated by Julie Carr and Sondra Loring. Sunday, December 7, 3pm DD and Danny Lepkoff at 92nd Street YWCA.
December 23 – DD & Grazia fly NYC to Eureka/Arcata
December 28 – Grazia flies Eureka to Bellingham, WA
January 4 – Grazia Bellingham to NY
January 9 – DD Eureka to Orange County, CA
January 10-13 - DD attends ACDFA Orange Coast College.
January 14 – DD Orange County to NY
March 3,10,17,24 – DD leads Workshops at 92nd Street Y, NYC. Present at one or more: Caterina Bartha, Virginia Collins, Tina Desplazes, Tsofia Gal, Carolyn Gonzales, Sue Hogan, Patrick Hughes, Isadoraite, Eun Jung, Alice MacIntyre, Agamemnon Otero, Michiyo Sato, Melissa Sylvester, Scott Waldron, Nathan Whiting, & others (Tina, Grazia, Marie, Stephen, Evangelia, Terrence.
March 14 - American Museum of Craft - Cocca Mocca Excerpt - 5 on 5th.. TO DO
March 31 – Danspace at 541 event?
April 23-26 – Douglas flies to Charleston and back
April 30, May 1-3 - COCCA MOCCA: 60’. Dancers: Trio 1 - Douglas Dunn, Guadalupe Martinez, Le Minh Tam. Trio 2 - Brooke Davila, Monica Olsson, Michelle Olson. Trio 3 - Terrence Brown, Georgia Corner, Bill Hedberg. Trio 4 - Stefanie Bland, Janet Charleston, Edmund Melville. Walk-on - Grazia Della-Terza. Music: Bill Cole, Esther Lamneck, Warren Smith, & Gamelan Son of Lion: Sasha Bogdanowitsch, Darryhl Gregory, Lisa Karrer, David Simons. Set: Mimi Gross. Costumes: Charles Atlas. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Commissioned by Laurie Uprichard, Danspace Project/St Mark’s Church, NYC. Performed in the round at the Church.
May 4- NYU presents the NYU New Music and Dance Ensemble. Monday, May 4, 1998 NYU Frederick Loewe Theater. Dr. Esther Lamneck, director; DD, choreographer; Karen Lykes, mezzo-soprano.
June 1-18 – DD teaches Technique Mondays through Thursdays at 541
June 26 - July 18 – NYU Summer Program in Pisa. New Music and Dance Ensemble, Performed on July 17, 1999. Location: Cortile della Sapienza, Pisa, Italy. DD teaches and performs. Invited by Artistic Director: Esther Lamneck
August 17 – DD NYC to Reno
August 31 – DD Reno to Bellingham w/Grazia
September 15 – DD & Grazia Bellingham to NYC
September 18 – DD receives Bessie Award for Lifetime Achievement
October 2&3 - THIGMOTAXIS: 12’. Dancers: Duo 1 - Alice MacIntyre & Nathan Whiting. Duo 2 - Grazia Della-Terza & Jared Wootan. Duo 3 - Michelle Olson & Douglas Dunn. Music: J.S. Bach, Partita no. 1 in B flat major, played by Maggie Cole, Virgin Classics Ltd. London. Presented at the Distinguished Faculty Dance Concert, Frederic Loewe Theater, 35 West 4th Street, NYC
October 12- DD consulting with Bonnie Brooks
October 25- DD consulting with Elizabeth Powers
November 26 – DD visits Bill Bakaitis with Steve Shaw, and returned to NY on the 29th
December 5 - KICK: 5’. Dancers: Marie Baker-Lee, Michelle Olson, Monica Olsson, Beth Simons. Music played live by Mark Dziuba. Presented at Dancers Responding to AIDS Benefit, St. Mark’s Church, NYC
December 13 – DD teaches class for the Wellspring Project
December 18 – DD to Arlington MA, returns on19th
Benefits for Dancers Responding to Aids: Collaborative work with choreographer/dancer Sara Rudner, musicians Lisa Karrer & Stella Chiu. One at Judson Church, NYC, another at SUNY Purchase. Dates unknown.
Feb 5 – DD auditing the Miami Ballet
Feb 7-11 – DD in Los Angeles consulting with Bonnie Brooks
Feb 11 - DD flies to San Francisco, sees San Francisco Ballet
Feb 16-28 – DD residence in Stockholm working on LAZY MADGE with dancers of Cristina Caprioli?
April 21 - UNTITLED: 10’. Dancers: Wellspring Project - Lara Bujold, Georgia Corner, Maryse Jacobs, Gillian Lipton, Rachel Margolis, Joy McEwen, Jessica Moss, Beth Simons. Presented at Henoch Gallery, 80 Wooster Street, NYC
May 3 - NYU presents the NYU New Music and Dance Ensemble. Monday, May 3, 1999, NYU Frederick Loewe Theater. Dr. Esther Lamneck, director; DD, choreographer.
May 13-16 - LAZY MADGE: 40’-53’. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Petra Fredrikzon, Richard Gonzalez, Helena Hultgren, Ann Kallblad, Le Minh Tam, E. Christopher Melville, Maria Ohman, Michelle Olson, Monica Olsson, Beth Simons, David Woodberry. Costume consultant, Charles Atlas. Lighting Design: Carol Mullins. Presented by Danspace Project at St. Mark’s Church, NYC
June 4 - LAZY MADGE: 10’. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Le Minh Tam, Monica Olson, Beth Simons. Music played live by Lisa Karrer and Stella Chiu. Presented at Dancer’s Responding to AIDS Benefit at PepsiCo Theater on SUNY campus, Purchase, NY
June 8 – DD & Grazia fly NYC to Reno
June 11 – Ethan and Karen fly from Charleston to Reno
June 19 – E & K return to Charleston, DD & G return to NY
June 26 - July 18 – DD in Pisa, Italy for NYU Summer Program Music & Dance NYU Summer Program in Pisa. New Music and Dance Ensemble. Location: Cortile della Sapienza, Pisa, Italy. DD teaches and performs. Invited by Artistic Director: Esther Lamneck
August 4 – DD flies NYC to Bellingham
August 17 – DD flies Bellingham to NYC
September 25 - 100 WALKS 1: 10’. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn. Music played live by Lisa Karrer and David Simons. Presented at the Distinguished Faculty Dance Concert, Frederic Loewe Theater, NYC
November 2 - 100 WALKS 2: 5’. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza and Douglas Dunn. Performed for the Memorial Service of Rudy Burckhardt. Music performed by GDT (song & dulcimer) & DD (song & ukulele). Rubble Dance costumes by Mimi Gross. Presented at Grand Hall, Cooper Union, NYC
November 5-7 - TRISKELION: 16’. Dancers of The Wellspring Project: Julia Baumgarten, Jacques Burgering, Lara Bujold Clouden, Georgia Corner, Valerie Green, Bruce Jones, Gillian Lipton, Rachel Margolis, Joy McEwen, Jessica Moss, Beth Simons. Music: Lisa Karrer in collaboration with David Simons. Text: Sappho, arranged by L. Karrer. Lighting design: Robert Engstrom. Presented at The Theatre of the Riverside Church, NY
November 13 - 100 WALKS 3: 3’. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza and Douglas Dunn. Performed for Food-for-Thought, curator, Mark Haim. Music performed on maracas by GDT & DD. Presented at Danspace Project/St. Marks Church, NYC
November 14 - 100 WALKS 4: 5’. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza and Douglas Dunn. Performed for Mad Alex Arts Benefit (Elena Alexander, director). Music performed by GDT (song) & DD (ukulele w/song). Presented at The Construction Company, NYC
November 18-21 - BACKSCATTER: 8’. Dancers of the Washington Square Repertory Dance Company: Robin Conley, Christina DiMichele, Graceann Dorse, Elizabeth Douglas, Sarah Galender, Liz Harler, Mei Chian Lim, Missy Mitchell, Lynne Schlesinger, Patricio Suarez, Tom Sullivan, Cherise Taylor. Rehearsal assistant: Beth Simons. Presented at the New York University’s Frederick Loewe Theater, NYC
December 6 - NYU presents the NYU New Music and Dance Ensemble. Monday, December 6, 1999, NYU Frederick Loewe Theater. Dr. Esther Lamneck, director; DD, choreographer; Roger Hanna, Lighting; Chianan Yen, Sound; Stacie Baker, costume design; Kim Baker, movement director.
January 1 - 100 WALKS 5: 4’. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza & Douglas Dunn. Performed at The Poetry Project’s New Year’s 2000 Marathon Reading, St. Mark’s Church, NYC
January 2 - 100 WALKS 6: 4’. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza & Douglas Dunn. Performed at Anneliese Widman’s Group New Year’s Celebration, at the Rosen’s apartment, 86th Street, NYC
April 13 & 14 - THE POOL, SIDE-EFFECTS, MAIN DRAG: At the invitation of John McLaughlin, DD made, on students of Sam Houston State College, fragments that were integrated into a street event titled Arrival Town. The overall work was arranged by John McLauglin, and included bits by a number of choreographers. The Pool is the third in a series of Performance Exhibits by DD that includes 101 (1974) and Performance Exhibit #2 (1980). Side-Effects consisted of phrases to be performed in the narrow alleys along the main street. Main Drag was a group section to be performed in an open space. Performed on Main Street in downtown Huntsville, Texas
April 15 - PANOLAR : 15’ Dancers: Tan Temel, Aysegul Guryuksel, Faruk Kurukaya, Maral Ceranoglu, Mihran Tomasyan, Ilke Kilic, Ismet Muftuoglu, Oktay Oy, Bedia Okur, Ipek Dolaner, Eray Dolaner, Eray Gitgel, Ceren Ozkara, Gozde Begecaslan, Didem Kartay. Performed at Anadolu University, Istanbul, Turkey
March 17- April 29 – Residency in Istanbul, at Mimar Sinan University invited by Sebnem Aksan; worked at Yildiz Teknik University under Geyvan McMillen. Evaluation Report below:
Grazia Della-Terza and I were hired to travel to Istanbul to work at Mimar Sinan University and at Yildiz Technical University in their respective Dance Departments. We were to teach Modern Dance classes in Technique, Composition & Improvisation, to introduce various forms of body therapy, and to make a dance for each group.
Through the two directors, Sebnem Aksan at Mimar Sinan, and Geyvan McMillan at Yildiz, had collaborated in choosing to invite us, they had not by the time of our arrival agreed on how to apportion our time. Both wanted as much as they could have. With the help of the Consulates’s May Ann Whitten as mediator, we worked out a schedule agreeable to all, and were able to offer both groups of students considerable exposure to our work. The two programs depend to a great extent on guest teachers. A longer stint in either or both of the departments would have been rewarding for all concerned.
Preparation for the trip was impeccably handled by Kathryn Wainscott. She supplied all the information we needed, and gracefully. Every aspect of the residency, travel, housing, logistics of working went as planned, no snags. We lived in two different abodes (three weeks in one, three in the other) offered by the universities. Both had minor inconveniences, but Sebnem and Geyvan were responsive to our request, as was Mary Ann Whitten and her staff at the Consulate. And beyond solving minor problems, all three of these hosts set a high standard for hospitality. They invited us into their homes, introduced us to other artists, took us to see sights, and helped us plan jaunts of our own. We felt well taken care of, and had an enriching exchange with them and with those they led us to meet.
The dance made for Mimar Sinan, Panolar (Screens), was performed in Eskisehir during out stay. The dance for Yildiz, Zirve (Peak), was given a studio showing at the end of our residency. Both will be presented in Ankara in May. These works provide an active memory of our presence, allowing students, faculty, and others who witness them, a means to carry their experience into the future.
The interaction was lively. We anticipate maintaining contact with the directors and through them with their students. Sebnem and Geyvan are true pioneers, of the kind that made Modern Dance flourish in the United States in the last century. They have provided a spark in Istanbul. If Modern Dance is to catch fire there, serious thinking and action about venues and about financial resources must take place. Otherwise, the students who will be graduating year to year will go elsewhere to dance, or will give up the pursuit. Our only regret, looking back, is not to have made formal contact with more of the art/dance scene in Istanbul. Grazia and I carry in us thirty years of downtown New York dance history. More communication before our trip, about various formats in which we might have presented what we have to offer, could have led to additional use of us as a resource. We fulfilled, we think, the expectations of us as teacher/choreographer. We would have liked also to engage directly all those artists, dancers and appreciators, who are interested in contemporary sensibilities.
Grazia and I feel abundantly enriched from our time in Istanbul, and are grateful to all those who made the experience possible.
April 28 - ZIRVE: 13’30”Dancers: Ayrin Ozcan, Sernaz Demirel, Sanem Ozcan, Natalin Boz, Buket Deniz, Onur Topal, Didem Koban, Elif Surbahan, Senem Oluz, Burcak Senel, Pinar Ataer, Leyla Postalcioglu, Nurhan Nebioglu. Music: Server Acim. Performed at Yildiz Teknik Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey
June 29- July 2 - THE COMMON GOOD: 55’. Dancers: Kate Cross, Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Monica Olsson, Beth Simons, Waka Watanabe. Music: David Lindley, Steve Winwood, John McCormack, Server Acim, Righteous Brothers, Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, J.S. Bach, Domenico Scarlatti, George Frideric Handel, Buena Vista Social Club. Lights: Carol Mullins. Presented by Danspace Project at St. Marks Church, NYC
July – NYU Dance/music program in Pisa, Italy
October 2 - EXTRA SKIN: 30’. Dancers: Douglas Dunn, Alexander Gish, Alice MacIntyre, Jean Sebastien Sialleli, Beth Simons, Nathan Whiting, Christopher Williams. Music: Elliot Carter, Claude Goudimel, The Sundays. Presented by Movement Research at Judson Church, NYC
November 29-December 4 – Haverford College –Residency, Philadelphia?
November 30 - THE COMMON GOOD: 55’. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza, Douglas Dunn, Jennifer Howard, Monica Olsson, Beth Simons, Waka Watanabe. Music: David Lindley, Steve Winwood, John McCormack, Server Acim, Righteous Brothers, Smokey Robinson & The Miracles, J.S. Bach, Domenico Scarlatti, George Frideric Handel, Buena Vista Social Club. Lights: Carol Mullins. Presented by Haverford College at the Founders Great Hall, Haverford, PA. Advice for Common Good is in Studio Gig files.
December 8 & 9 - RECIPROCAL INHIBITION: 20’. NYU Dancers: Tamayo Arai, Rachel Bernier, Tricia Gooley, Catherine Green, Jin-Young Lee, Heather Lenahan, Mei Chian Lim, Denise Murphy, Yayoi Suzuki. Company Dancers: Douglas Dunn and Beth Simons. Music: John Dowland. Choreographed for the New York University Department of Education, at the invitation of Miriam Berger, Chair. Performed at the Distinguished Faculty Concert, NYU’s Frederick Loewe Theater in NYC
December 16 - IN CELEBRATION: 5’. Dancer: Douglas Dunn. Music: Gamelan Son of Lion: Barbara Benary, David Demnitz, Dan Goode, Lisa Karrer. Performed at the Washington Square Church, NYC
January 1 - 100 WALKS 7: Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza & Douglas Dunn. Performed at The Poetry Project’s New Year’s 2001 Marathon Reading, St. Mark’s Church, NYC
January 31 – February 3: AEROBIA, excerpt: 15’. Dancers: Grazia Della-Terza & Douglas Dunn. Text: Jim Neu. Presented by The Kitchen, NYC, as part of Dean Moss’s Talking Dance.
April 30 - EVENT HORIZON IV, BACK TO REASON, A RIVER FROM THE WALLS, REFLETS/VITESSE (title not by DD) : Dancers: Dawn DiPasquale, Regina Felio, Tricia Gooley, Carol Johnson, Kristin Kessel, Missy Mitchell, Bonnie Platt, Douglas Dunn, Renata Celichowska. Choreographed for the New York University New Music & Dance Ensemble at the invitation of Esther Lamneck, Director. Performed at NYU’s Frederick Loewe Theater, NYC
June 2 - AEROBIA: 20’. Dancers: Douglas Dunn, Jennifer Howard, Hope Mohr, Beth Simons, Dusan Týnek. Actor: Jim Neu. Text: Jim Neu. Music: Lenny Pickett. Costume: Mimi Gross. Performed at New York University’s Frederick Loewe Theater in NYC, as part of an American Dance Guild conference.
June 8 – AEROBIA, excerpts: showing at DD&D Studio. Dancers: Douglas Dunn, Jennifer Howard, Hope Mohr, Beth Simons, Dusan Tynek. Actor: Jim Neu. Costumes: Mimi Gross. Music: Lenny Pickett.
June 26 – July 21: At the invitation of Esther Lamneck, DD leads dance component of New York University Summer Program in Pisa. Concert of short works as part of New Music & Dance Ensemble, July 20. Alisa Blokhina on oboe.
July 23-27 – Workshop at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, with a showcase on July 26; DD meets Alison Granucci
August 11 – 19: DD at Alta. Shows NEVADA to family on croquet court.
August 30 - EVERYTHING MUST GO: 26’. Dancer: Douglas Dunn. Music: David Lindley, Steve Winwood, George Frederic Handel, Thoinot Arbeau, Gustav Mahler. At the invitation of Priit Raud, performed at Von Krahli Teatri in Tallinn, Estonia
****August 31 – September 23 – At the invitation of Marika Blossfeldt, DD leads dance component of workshop at Polli Talu Arsts Center, Estonia, with Carol Mullins, lighting, David Simons & Lisa Karrer, music. Twelve students, each from east of Estonia: Russia, Mongolia, Azerbaijan…
***October 5 – At the invitation of Renata Celichowska, DD at Judson church for dancing and panel based on Erick Hawkin’s question “What is the most beautiful dance?” DD didn’t dance. Others did, or presented work: Renata, Susan Cherniak Hyde, Valerie Green, Gloria McLean, Nancy Zendora.
November 5 - TRISKELION, EXCERPT: 17’. Dancers: Douglas Dunn, Gillian Lipton, Rachel Margolis, Joy McEwen, Beth Simons. Music: Cousin Jusse by Wimme & Tapani Rinne; Enrico Caruso singing L’alba separa dalla luce l’ombra by Tosti & A Granada by Alvarez; Leontyne Price singing Vissi d-arte from Tosca by Giuseppe Verdi. Performed for the Movement Research’s Monday Night at Judson Church series; evening curated by Renata Celichowska.
November 15-18, 23-25 - AEROBIA: 55’. Dancers: Douglas Dunn, Jennifer Howard, Hope Mohr, Beth Simons, Christopher Williams. Actor: Jim Neu. Text: Jim Neu. Music: Lenny Pickett. Costumes: Mimi Gross. Set: Mimi Gross & Van Santvoord. Lighting: Carol Mullins. Performed at Performance Space 122, NYC
November 8, 2001 – February 3, 2002 – At the invitation of James Carroll, DD drawings on exhibit at Lehigh University Gallery, PA, as part of Dance On Paper.
December 10 - APPLE/DANTESCA/CATHARSIS: Dancers: Regina Felio, Kristin Kessel, Heather Lenahan, Missy Mitchell, Bonnie Platt, Douglas Dunn, Renata Celichowska. Choreographed for the New York University New Music & Dance Ensemble at the invitation of Esther Lamneck, Director. Performed at NYU’s Frederick Loewe Theater, NYC
January 1 - UNTITLED: 2’. Dancer: Douglas Dunn. Music: Musiques des Montagnards - Central Vietnam, “Jorai”. The Poetry Project Benefit at St. Marks Church, NYC
January 25 - 27: At the invitation of Gina Gibney, DD panelist at Food for Thought/Cleveland, w/Donna Faye Burchfield & Kay Cummmings
February 16 - MUSCLE SHOALS, excerpt: Dancers: Douglas Dunn, Beth Simons, Christopher Williams. Mountain View Studio, Woodstock, NY, as part of week-long residency
February 19 - MUSCLE SHOALS, 20’. Dancers: Douglas Dunn, Beth Simons, Christopher Williams. Music: Steve Lacy. Performed as a work-in-progress at the Mountain View Studio in Woodstock on February 16 and at Bard College, NY
February 21 - DON’T CRY NOW, excerpts: Sections 2 & 3. Dancers from the Mo-Trans Dance Company: Christopher Gorney, Brian Plonsky, Kara Olson, Amy Ragsdale, Amy Sennett. Performed at the Northwest American College Dance Festival, Montana Theatre, UM Campus, Missoula, Montana
March 11 – MAY 4 - PULCINELLA: 38’. At the invitation of Brigitte Lefevre, Director, Paris Opera Ballet, re-staging of 1980 original, also for Paris Opera Ballet. Dancers: Laetitia Pujol, Lionel Delanoe, Céline Talon, Stéphane Phavorin, Gil Isoart, Benjamin Alexandre, Mirentchu Battut, Alexandre Carniato, Martin Chaix, Adrien Couvez, Kora Dayanova, Grégory Dominiak, Emilie Fouilloux, Jean-Christophe Guerri, Aurélien Houette, Lise-Marie Jourdain, Myriam Kamionka, Béatrice Martel, Christine Peltzer, Marie-Isabelle Peracchi, Ninon Raux, Cécile Sciaux, Simone Valastro, Gwenaelle Vauthier. Shows at the Palais Garnier. Preparation by DD, Beth Simons, Jean Guizerix, March 11 - May 4. Shows May 4,5,6,7,9,10,14,15,17,18,20,21, first on program followed by Balanchine’s Violin Concerto and Pina Bausch’s Le Sacre du Printemps.
****October 2 …? DD around the world. Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Kiev (taught actors, made duet for …..), Bangkok (Elizabeth Powers; side trip to Angkor Wat), San Mateo (Evelyn, she falls down, dinner with Barbie, Penny & Bill), Grass Valley, NYC
November 22, 23 (two shows) - BALBOA, BILBAO, BALBUTIES: 9’. New York University Distinguished Faculty Concert. Dancers: Jenny Brown, Elizabeth Doctors, Pat Dye, Marisa Impalli, Jin-Young Lee, Gila Lemont, Andrea Markus, Yara Sfeir, Josh Stein, JeongMi Wang, Steffanie White. Frederick Loewe Theater, NYU